Feature Articles

November Issue 2000

Columbia College Features Art Faculty Exhibit in Goodall Gallery

The Columbia College Department of Art will have an exhibit of work by three art faculty members, Nov. 1-Dec. 15, in the Goodall Gallery of Spears Music/Art Center in Columbia, SC.

Stephen Nevitt, chair and professor of art, will show recent drawings and collages, most being based on family images. Mary Gilkerson, associate professor, will exhibit a series of mixed media works based on landscape and memory. Her works include collage and acrylic on paper and canvas and a multi-media computer piece. Dr. Diane Buck, associate professor of art, will show sawdust fired earthenware. The heavily patterned small goddess and vessel forms she is currently making are a result of the recent years she spent involved with African art.

For further information check our SC Institutional Gallery listings or call the gallery at 803/786-3033.

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