Feature Articles

November Issue 2000

USC's McMaster Gallery Hosts Works by Bruno Civitico in Columbia, SC

McMaster Gallery of the Department of Art of the University of SC in Columbia, SC, will feature an exhibition entitled: Bruno Civitico - Portraits and Figures, which will be on display through Nov. 15, 2000.

Civitico is a noted painter that resides in Charleston, SC. Born in Dignano D'Istria, Italy, Civitico immigrated to the US where he received his BFA from Pratt Art Institute and an MFA from Indiana University. Civitico has received an Ingram Merrill Foundation Fellowship, National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship, and the Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship.

This exhibition will feature over 40 drawings and paintings. Civitico says of this collection, "This group of drawings, studies, and paintings of female portraits and figures, span nearly forty years and present an almost continuous view of a segment of my work. There have been many other subjects as well: male portraits and figures, multigure compositions in the landscape and in the interior, landscapes and still lifes, some with allegorical, mythological or narrative themes".

"Overall, my work has been evenly divided between these different subjects, themes, and modes, and it has, not inappropriately, been identified with the realist, classicist and post-modernist tendencies in the art of this time. I say not appropriately because some of these characteristic aspects of the art do in fact intertwine."

For more info check our SC Institutional Gallery listings or call 803/777-7480.

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