Feature Articles

September Issue 2000

Tri-State Sculptor's Group Holds Exhibits & Conference in Western North Carolina

The Tri-State Sculptor's Association, an organization serving sculptors in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, will be holding its annual Conference and Exhibitions at Brevard College, Brevard, NC, and at the North Carolina Aboretum and UNC-Asheville, both in Asheville, NC, from Oct. 19 through Oct. 22.

Tri-State members have already installed works outside on the Brevard College campus and at the North Carolina Aboretum. An exhibit of sculptural works will also be presented at Brevard's Spiers Art Gallery from Sept. 6 through Oct. 22.

The Conference offers many workshops, demonstrations, panel discussions, and opportunities to exchange ideas and opinions about issues facing sculptors in the tri-state area. Many of the activities are open to the public as well as the exhibitions presented.

The Keynote Speaker of the Conference will be, Michael Hall, who received his BA in art from the University of North Carolinahis and MFA in sculpture from the University of Washington. From 1970 to 1990 he directed the graduate program in sculpture at the Cranbrook Academy of Art.

For more info contact the Brevard College Art department at 828/884-2288, Tri-State Sculptors Association Conference Chair, Mike Lyda at 704/786-1523 or e-mail at (mike@lyda.com), Tri-State President, Mark Brown at (jnycmpfn@aol.com) or on the web at (http://www.greensboro.com/tsea).

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