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Janaury Issue 2003

Artspace in Raleigh, NC, Features Works by Henryk Fantazos

Artspace in Raleigh, NC, will feature the exhibition, Confusalem, including works by Polish born artist, Henryk Fantazos in the Center's Gallery 1, from Jan. 18 through Mar. 1, 2003.

Fantazos studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland in the 60s. He moved to the States in 1975 and was granted political asylum. Fantazos moved from New York City to a remote farm in West Virginia and eventually to Hillsborough, North Carolina, where he continues to paint and work on copper engravings in his studio.

The Confusalem exhibition represents a reoccurring theme: America. However, Fantazos notes that there are "no Mt. Rushmore or Lincoln Memorial to be found among these images. My experience of the country is much more intimate." His paintings represent the America as seen, conceived, and reported by an immigrant. "Somewhat like an Appalachian quilter I am piecing together a motley melange of elements, according to what seems strongly belonging to my quilted tent of America. In my heart (because that is the place of action) I carry a special fondness for the America of the 50's, which I have not seen and can only imagine like an archeologist closing his eyes somewhere along the Euphrates river and conjuring up the Babylon. Fantazos hopes his paintings "rebuild some wishful images from that fabled era. Not intending to be a reliable illustrator of historical truth but rather an inspired, besotted dreamer, I feel free to exaggerate, confabulate and use any available poetical device to my purpose."

Fantazos has exhibited both nationally and internationally. His work is in many private and museum collections, including the National Museum, Poznan, Poland, the Kosciuszko Foundation, New York, George Washington University and the National Building Museum, Washington, DC. Fantazos has been honored with many awards for his work, including a Fellowship from the North Carolina Arts Council.

For further information check our NC Institutional Gallery listings, call the Center at 919/821-2787 or e-mail by (artspace@bellsouth.net).

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