November Issue 2000
Jerald Melberg Gallery - Charlotte, NC, Presents Retrospective by Wolf Kahn
"Pastel is the dust on butterflies' wings."
- Wolf Kahn
Wolf Kahn 1990
Jerald Melberg Gallery, in Charlotte, NC, is
enormously proud to present a 50 year retrospective by Wolf Kahn
entitled, 50 Years of Pastels, which will be on view from
Nov. 11 through Jan 6, 2001. It is not often that an exhibition
of this size and importance graces gallery walls. The pastels
from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s included in
the exhibition will come out of Wolf's personal archives - the
first time he has ever opened them to anyone.
Collectors and admirers of Kahn's classic landscapes and barns
will be equally impressed with his early figurative and abstract
Wolf Kahn 1972
The impetus for this exhibition is Kahn's new pastel book, just released by Harry N. Abrams. Barbara Novak has penned the introduction for the new book: "Wolf Kahn is a maverick. A landscape artist in an age in which landscape is an endangered, somewhat artificial preserve. Nonetheless, for Kahn, painting landscape is a 'habit that won't go away.' Landscape - his landscape - is admirably suited to carry forward a number of worthwhile pictorial strategies, applied not only to preserve painting as a rich medium of discourse, but to restore to nature the dignity of a subject from which a variety of complexions can be retrieved."
In addition to Jerald Melberg Gallery in Charlotte, the exhibition will travel to three museums, the Contemporary Art Center of Virginia Beach; The Hickory Museum of Art, Hickory, NC; and The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH. The final destination for the retrospective will be Jerald Melberg Gallery in the Historic District of Charleston, South Carolina.
Wolf Kahn 1958
To compliment the 50 year retrospective, Jerald Melberg Gallery has published a color catalogue that will highlight Kahn's illustrious career as well as document pastels included in this major exhibition. Kahn's new book, Wolf Kahn Pastels, and the exhibition catalogue, are available at both locations of Jerald Melberg Gallery, in Charlotte and Charleston.
For further information check our NC Commercial Gallery listings or call the gallery at 704/365-3000 or on the web at (
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Telephone, Answering Machine and FAX: 843/825-3408
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Carolina Arts
is published monthly by Shoestring
Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2000 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
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