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November Issue 2006
Ole Town Gallery in Fayetteville, NC, Features Works by Stefan Duncan
Town Gallery in Fayetteville, NC, will present the exhibit, The
Sacred Grove of Squigglism, featuring works by Stefan Duncan,
on view from Nov. 24 through Jan. 20, 2007.
The purpose of the exhibit is to remind the public of nature and man's place in the universe. "Far from city life, in a place like an untrodden Eden, there lies a grove of woods where the Living Spirit dances of serenity and jubilation. It is a paradise prelude of the Kingdom to come. May he who walks here become enlightened and experience the Divine Essence of Love," is the basic theme of the exhibit said Duncan.
Duncan of Charlotte, NC, is a native of Fayetteville. He is the creator of the art style Squigglism, a Living Spirit Art. Squigglism is a post-impressionistic style of art made up of unblended swirling strokes of color. As one steps back, the colors blend and define into a sharper image as pointillism does. Each squiggle is a unit of the Divine that is in everything that exists.
Duncan has recently been dubbed by the Van Gogh as becoming "The American Van Gogh." The ever increasing sells of his original works, suggests that Duncan is emerging into a great artist. His mission in life is to remind people around the world that the Divine is in all things. Through Squigglism, Duncan gives the viewers a new sight that unveils the Divine's Essence in nature..
"One particular artist is leading the contemporary impressionists in an effort to become 'America's Vincent Van Gogh'... Stefan Duncan!," said David Wolk, manager of the Van Gogh Gallery and content manager of Barewalls. "Duncan's amazing work is a plethora of brilliant colors tossed about in a whimsical style he calls Squigglism. Having been greatly influenced by Vincent Van Gogh, Stefan utilizes this updated technique to draw the quick strokes of the impressionists into long curvy lines. These tight eddies of color dance around his paintings lighting every feature with beauty! It is this very beauty that Stefan strives to capture in all of his work; revealing the divine in nature!"
"Stefan's work continues to amaze me and it gives me great pleasure to be able to show it to the rest of the world. Each painting is Neo-Gogh while still presenting the signature style of Duncan. These paintings are a gift to all who love Vincent Van Gogh and a perfect representation of greatness! I look forward to each new painting created by Duncan as his ability to present beauty continues to grow!" Wolk said.
"All my bills," Duncan said, " are paid through the sell of my paintings. I have no idea if I will ever sell another work from this moment forth. I do this in complete faith that if this work is truly my mission, then the Divine will provide the means for me to do so. My work has suddenly transformed into something bigger than I. Though I am the painter, the source of my work comes from the Sacred Grove of my heart where the Divine resides. If we have come from the Divine and born unto the Earth, she has become our foster mother. She gives us jobs, loves, children, death, poverty or richness. We forget where we had originally come," Duncan said.
" The city has now become our mother. We hardly touch the bare Earth with our feet because of the concrete. We no longer see the stars because of the streetlights or hear the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, or the night chorus of frogs and crickets. It is my mission to remind people the Divine is living and in all that exists. It can be seen in a sunset or the reflection of light upon water. It is in the clouds and the wind, in the trees and in the hawk that flies above. What better place to remind people of the Divine than right on their living room wall in the very heart of where they live," said Duncan.
The Sacred Grove is an area of Eden before the arrival of men. All is pure and untainted here. It is our heaven on the Earthly plane. When you enter into the Sacred Grove, open all your senses, open your heart, look and you will see the Divine Essence. Reflect, absorb, heal and be re-enlightened. With your new vision of seeing, now return to our world and you will find the Divine is there also.
Various local places around the Charlotte and Fayetteville area show Duncan's works such as in his studio in The Charlotte Art League, first weekend of each month at the Metrolina Expo, The Art House, Soiree's in Mooresville, The Java Passage Cafe, and Needful Things in Hendersonville, NC. Duncan teaches art at Michael's, CAL, and Cape Fear Studios.
For further information check our NC Commercial
Gallery listings or call the gallery at 910/485-4378.
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing
Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2006 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
Online, Copyright© 2006 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved
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Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.