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November Issue 2006
RedSky Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Offers Works by Andy Braitman
Gallery in Charlotte, NC, is presenting the exhibit, Views
from Abroad, featuring oil paintings by local favorite Andy
Braitman. The exhibit will be on view in RedSky's SouthPark location,
from Nov. 3 through Dec. 7, 2006.
Braitman's work has been featured in galleries, one-man, and group shows in Santa Fe, Chicago, Atlanta, Millburn, NJ, Washington, DC, Noorbeck, Holland, Rio de Janiero, and Curitba, Brazil. He currently exhibits here at RedSky Gallery, where his unique aggressive landscape style enjoys an active regional following. These paintings are a product of this summer's painting trip to France and Holland.
Braitman was born in Casper, WY, and he attended the University of Maryland. He now makes his home in Charlotte with his wife Carol. He opened his own teaching studio in 1995 and his devoted students praise "his many geniuses". In 1986, Braitman was chosen by First Lady Nancy Reagan as one of America's leading artists, along with notables Andrew Wyeth, Frank Stella, and Charles Schultz. He was selected to participate in the prestigious 1978 Maryland Biennial, at the Charles Museum of Art in Baltimore.
RedSky Gallery is known for an extensive inventory of exceptional fine crafts in glass, metal, ceramics, wood, and basketry. Over 500 regional and national artists represented.
For more information check our NC Commercial
Gallery listings, call the gallery at 704/552-5200 or at (
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing
Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2006 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
Online, Copyright© 2006 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved
by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use
without written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina
Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.