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November Issue 2008

Carolina Gallery in Spartanburg, SC, Features Works by Guido Migiano

Carolina Gallery in Spartanburg, SC, is presenting an exhibition of paintings by Guido Migiano, on view through Nov. 29, 2008.

From an early age, Migiano has appreciated the beauty in nature. As a painter he feels his best work is created by freely expressing his emotional response to land and sea. Using a palette knife an strong brush strokes he evokes mood with color, form and space.

Migiano states, "I enjoy creating a convincing illusion of a moment in time. I believe it is important to create non-repetitive patterns in my work to make the compositions more pleasing. My need for free and independent expression is challenging, but fun."

Migiano is primarily a self-taught artist, but he says, "I am thankful for an art ability given to me by prior generations." He credits the strengthening of his use of color to his studies with well-known artists in Connecticut, North Carolina and South Carolina.

For further information check our SC Commercial Gallery listings, call the gallery at 864/585-3335 or visit (www.carolinagalleryart.com).

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Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc. Copyright© 2008 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 2008 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.