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December Issue 2005
Sunset River Marketplace in Calabash, NC, Offers Works by Joe & Tonda Jeffcoat
River Marketplace in Calabash, NC, is featuring the wood-fired
pottery of Joe and Tonda Jeffcoat, in Pottery - Form and Surface,
on veiw through Dec. 31, 2005.
Joe and Tonda Jeffcoat, partners in life and clay, have been making functional and artistic pots together since 1972. Tonda, a retired elementary art teacher of 31 years, and Joe, a retired banker of 33 years, first became interested in ceramics through enrollment in a pottery class at Wilson Technical Institute in Wilson, NC. It was soon quite evident that their casual interest would take them much further and lead to a life-long passion for clay. With instruction from such accomplished potters as Lanny Pelletier, Hiroshi Sueyoshi of Wilmington, NC, and master potter, Dan Finch, Joe and Tonda have developed into skilled and creative ceramic artists.
The Jeffcoats combine traditional, wheel-thrown forms created by Joe with the addition of surface incising and relief carving by Tonda. The cone 10 stoneware pots are fired using gas reduction and wood-firing processes. The final pieces are a collaboration of form, function, and texture, and are intended to be used and treasured.
The show includes a number of large bowls and platters. Joe Jeffcoat said recently, "I enjoy throwing large pieces, incorporating unusual bases and lips which create an added feeling of strength." According to Ginny Lassiter, owner and director of Sunset River Marketplace, "Jeffcoat pottery has a large following in the gallery due to its aesthetic appeal and durable nature." Tonda Jeffcoat added, "The wonderful nature of clay allows for texture on the surface. Through carving and cutting through the pots, I'm able to create patterns and images which become part of the total feeling of the piece. The way in which glazes catch on the surface or wood ash collects in the relief areas of a pot add exciting surface dimension to the thrown forms."
Sunset River Marketplace, which has two on-site kilns, offers pottery classes by Jane Truesdale, in addition to a range of other instruction including oil painting by Ramona Bendin, watercolor with Nancy Wickstrom or Betty Bee and classes for children. The 10,000 square foot gallery showcases the work of more than 200 artists, all from North or South Carolina, and represents virtually all genre and art media.
For further information check our NC Commercial
Gallery listings, call the gallery at 910/575-5999 or at (
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing
Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2005 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
Online, Copyright© 2005 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved
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