Feature Articles

April Issue 2002

Cameo Fine Art in Columbia, SC, Features Works by Jean McWhorter

Cameo Fine Art located in the Historic Congaree Vista of Columbia, SC, is presenting an exhibition of works by Jean McWhorter entitled, Reveries, for the annual Artista Vista, Apr. 26 & 27, 2002. This will be the gallery's first exhibit of the year, which opens at 6pm on Apr. 26. On Apr. 27, from 1-3pm, McWhorter will give an informal gallery discussion. The exhibit will continue through May 8, 2002.

This unique exhibit contains small ceramic wall sculptures that demonstrate skill and craftsmanship by a highly personal vision of an artist who is well known for large creations. One of the the rewards of viewing these new works by an artist with an uninhibited imagination and originality will be the discovery that these small sculptures are humorous, playful, funny, mythological and sometimes spiritual.

This manifestation of an exhibit is rich with personal iconogrpahy rooted from experience, knowledge and tone. It also illustrates the artists authenticity and growth throughout the years. Reveries is truly a fanciful product of the artist's subconscious mind and soul. Each figure has small facial expressions with discrete subjects aloft with mysterious thoughts emerging from them and around them. The thought provoking ceramic miniatures are characterized by tense and ironic relationships between the ball like heads capped or surrounded by expressions in the faces of the two joined forms. They suggest hidden, or not hidden references that lead the viewer to the realms of humorous and serious interpretations.The also incorporate connections of cultural and historical imagery as well as mythological and fantastic imagery. The approximate size is 4" x 7" (or smaller forms) glazed with somber colors and the surface often bear the signature of McWhorter.

"The complex relationship between the human and animal forms are beautiful restraints and invite reflections and connections," says McWhorter.

McWhorter earned her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Georgia. She studied for a year at the Brooklyn Museum of Art School in New York City on a Max Beckman Scholarship. McWhorter came to SC to start her professional career as an artist and to teach at the Museum School of The Columbia Museum of Art. She taught drawing, painting and sculpture for twenty-three years and served as the Director of The Museum School for six years. She continued lecturing at The University of South Carolina, Newberry College and Benedict College in design, sculpture and drawing.

McWhorter has exhibited both regionally and nationally. She has had over thirty one-woman exhibits and is represented in collections of The Gibbes Art Museum, The Greenville County Museum of Art, The Columbia Museum of Art, The Georgia Museum of Art and Columbia College in Columbia, SC. McWhorter is listed in the Who's Who in American Art, and featured in Allied Publications of Prize Winning Sculpture and Watercolor, The First Compendium of Women Design International, Fiber Arts form IV and was one of the 100 years 100 artists exhibition at the SC State Museum display in 1999-2000.

McWhorter's commissions include the model of The South Carolina State Seals, Portrait Plaques, the Model of Lions at the entrance of the Airport in Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia, a mural for General Services of the United States Government, The Verner Award Statue for the SC Arts Commissions, a life-size Rembert Dennis bronze relief, the McNair monument design and plaques for the South Carolina Capital Complex, the Charter Day Award Statues for Benedict College and eleven large wall hangings for the Kennan Chapel of Trinity Cathedral of Columbia, SC.

This exhibit will travel to The Arnold Gallery in Aiken, SC. For dates and information contact Trish Arnold at 803/502-1100.

For more information check our SC Commercial Gallery listings or call the gallery at 803/799-8869.

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Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2002 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 2002 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.