Feature Articles

May Issue 2002

Microcosm Art Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Features Works by Jacek Palacha

From May through July, 2002, Microcosm Art Gallery in Charlotte, NC, will host an exhibition of work by Jacek Palucha, from Poland. Twenty medium size recent paintings by this very talented painter, music composer and actor from Poland will be on view and for sale.

Jacek Palucha (1966) graduated from the Fine Art Academy in Warsaw. Individual exhibitions of his works were shown in France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and the US.

In his paintings Palucha does portraits of different types of people - the caricatures living in a very realistic world, where moral play, rebellion and daub intermingle with irony.

For more information check our NC Commercial Gallery listings, call the gallery at 704/618-6568 or on the web at (www.palucha.art.pl/).

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