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May Issue 2005
SC Watercolor Society Offers Annual Members' Juried Exhibition in Newberry, SC
media artists from all over South Carolina have entered their
best works for the SC Watercolor Society's 28th Annual Juried
Exhibition of Water Media Plus..., that opens on May 14, at
the Newberry Opera House in Newberry, SC. The exhibit will be
on view through June 18, 2005.
Jurying is done from original works and approximately 75 paintings will be selected from all the entries. In order to encourage experimentation in water based media, and so push the boundaries of what is thought of as traditional watercolor, this year's eligibility is less restrictive and thus inclusive to more artists. Of course, traditional transparent watercolor is part of this exhibition but it also embraces all water media such as acrylic, gouache, water based inks, etc. and it may be applied to any surface. Artists will be competiting for approximately $10,000 in cash awards to the top thirty paintings including a $1,000 Best in Show award, sponsored by Arthur State Bank.
This year's juror is Margaret M. Martin. Born in Buffalo, NY, Martin resides and maintains a studio in Buffalo. She is a Boston University graduate, BFA, and the recipient of many national awards. A former graphic designer and advertising art director, she is presently a full-time painter as well as an invited guest instructor for North American watercolor seminars. She also juries national and regional exhibitions and is the author of No More Wishy Washy Watercolor. Martin is a signature member of American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, Midwest Watercolor Society, Knickerbocker Artists USA and others.
The top thirty award winning paintings will travel for a year to locations around South Carolina, scheduled by the SC State Museum.
All entries submitted for the juried exhibition are also a part of "Art Market", an event that displays 200 or more paintings and promotes the sale of original art, at the Newberry Opera House on May 2 - 5, 2005, from 9am-6pm. This event provides the public access to a wide range of artists and styles. This event is open to the public, free of charge.
Other events scheduled in conjunction
with the exhibition include:
On May 13, 2005, at 6:30pm - SCWS Dutch Treat Dinner at Steven
W's Downtown Bistro, 1100 Main Street, Newberry. Reservations
are required.
On May 14, 2005, at 11:30am - SCWS Annual Membership Meeting
at Steven W's Downtown Bistro.
On May 14, 2005, at 1pm - SCWS Annual Awards Luncheon at
Newberry Community Center (catered by Steven W's), 1109 Main Street,
Newberry. Reservations are required.
On May 14, 2005, at 3-5pm - Video Premiere (juror's critique
of paintings to 28th
exhibition) and HOA Hospitality (SCWS support group) at
Lucy & Earl's, 1106 College Street, Newberry.
Since 1977, the SC Watercolor has been promoting the artistic and professional interests of its members as well as providing visual arts programs to the public. The Society works towards achieving its goals by making the accomplishments of its members available to a broad base of South Carolinians.
SCWS, the largest statewide visual
arts group, is an active presenting organization. They nurture
and promote South Carolina artists by providing exhibition opportunities,
special programs to market their original works and coordinate
educational programs. In addition, our goals include public outreach
and participation in the arts.
For further info check our SC Institutional Gallery listings,
call the Opera House at 803/276-6264 or at (
or contact Kim Richards, SCWS, 7 Oxford, Dr., Cartersville, GA
30120, call 678/721-2506, e-mail at ( or on
the web at (
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc. Copyright© 2004 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 2004 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.