Feature Articles
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June Issue 2004

Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC, Features Annual Undergraduate Show and Works by Jihyun Song

Two exhibitions on view at the Winthrop University Galleries, in Rock Hill, SC, will continue through June 25, 2004. Exhibiting in the Rutledge Gallery, the 16th Annual Undergraduate Juried Exhibition features the artistic talent of the undergraduate students from all area disciplines in the Department of Art and Design. The exhibition and awards presentation are a significant event of the academic year for more than 500 majors in the Department of Art and Design. The Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery will feature Jihyun Song's exhibition called Wayfinding Design for People and Spaces.

This exhibition will display Song's master's of science thesis work completed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the School of Human Ecology: Design Studies. Her research based design focused on wayfinding and communication design for medical facilities. Her master's work also included written documentation of her research and a creative performance.

For more information check our SC Institutional Gallery listings, call Karen Derksen, interim gallery director, Winthrop University Galleries, at 803/323-4897, e-mail at (derksenk@winthrop.edu) or at (www.winthrop.edu/vpa/galleries).

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