July Issue 2000
Gallery C in Raleigh, NC, Shows Three New Artists
Gallery C, located in Raleigh, NC, is pleased to present recent works by three new Gallery C artists: Tisha Edwards, Scott Stockdale and Amaechi Raphael Okigbo. The paintings of Edwards and the sculpture of Stockdale are dressed in Surrealistic whimsy, while the abstract paintings by Nigerian born Okigbo dance to geometric rhythms.
Tisha Edwards
Raleigh artist, Tisha Edwards, received her BEA from the Art Institute of Chicago. In the surreal world of her oil paintings, creatures are a blend of human and animal on the way to becoming something else. Edwards' images are kinetic, comical, but concurrently hold a darker side like the foreboding underpinning of a Grimm's fairytale.
During a summer abroad program in Europe, Scott Stockdale saw an exhibition of works by Max Ernst (1891 -1976), who was a founding member of the Surrealist group with Andre Breton in the 1920s. In the paintings of Ernst, Stockdale found the kind of imagery that struck a chord. The plastic properties of clay, however, allow him to create Surrealistic forms in three-dimensions. He then paints the surfaces to bring them to life. Stockdale says many of his hybrid beings are metaphors for either people or situations he is familiar with.
Raphael Okigbo
Born in Anambra State, Nigeria in 1967, Amaechi Raphael Okigbo's highly developed taste for architecture, design, and landscape permeates his painting. In his creations, he uses the structural geometry of Mondrian as a layered grid pattern over collaged surfaces. Okigbo is an associate professor of Landscape Design in the Department of Horticulture Science, at North Carolina State University School of Design, as well as principal of Designhaus; a design + art firm.
For further information check our NC Commercial
Gallery listings or call the gallery at 919/828-3165.
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427, Bonneau, SC 29431
Telephone, Answering Machine and FAX: 843/825-3408
E-Mail: carolinart@aol.com
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Carolina Arts
is published monthly by Shoestring
Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2000 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
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