July Issue 2002
Art League of Henderson County Features Works by Al Junek & Paul Koenen
The Art League of Henderson County in Hendersonville, NC, will host a joint exhibit for two area watercolor artists, Al Junek of Hendersonville and Paul Koenen of Saluda, NC, at Opportunity House, in Hendersonville. The exhibit will open July 7 and continue throughout the month of July, 2002.
Al Junek
Junek received his formal art training at the Baton Rouge Fine Arts Academy and has continued his studies by participating in workshops by nationally known artists. His fascination with light and its resulting values is evident in his paintings. His works can be found in numerous collections across the US. He has received awards in watercolor, pastel, pen and ink and mixed media. His primary interest and accomplishments are in watercolor.
Paul Koenen received his art training at Western Kentucky University and the American Academy of Art in Chicago. He worked in Chicago for 30 years as an advertising artist, art director and director of marketing communications. While working in advertising he also pursued a career as a watercolor artist, exhibiting in a number of galleries in Chicago and the mid-west. In 1987 he moved to Saluda where he maintains a studio and pursues painting full-time, teaching an occasional workshop.
For more information check our NC Institutional Gallery listings or call the gallery at 828/697-9278.
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Carolina Arts
is published monthly by Shoestring
Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2002 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
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