August Issue 2001
Jerald Melberg Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Features Exhibition of Work by Robert Peterson and Kimo Minton
The Jerald Melberg Gallery in Charlotte, NC, will be hosting two new exhibits on view through Sept. 28. The exhibits feature new pastel still lifes by Robert Peterson, The Ripeness of Desire, and new sculpture and works on paper by Kimo Minton, Guardian of the Spirit.
In the artist's seventh solo exhibition with Jerald Melberg Gallery, Peterson quietly and steadily focuses our eyes on the privilege of sight. The New Mexico based artist's pastels of fruits and vegetables are elegantly simple yet powerful forms that evoke a strange contradiction of responses from the viewer: awe, admiration and a feeling of familiarity. Self-taught as an artist, Peterson uses his bare fingers to deftly apply pastel to paper, slowly creating seemingly solid apples, oranges, onions, and other simple organic forms. Calling into play all of our senses, you feel you can smell the lemon's zest or hear the crackling of the onion's parchment skin. In this exhibition, Peterson continues his exploration of the mystery he sees in these seemingly mundane objects.
Throughout his career, Peterson has been honored with over twenty solo exhibitions across the United States. He is currently represented in numerous public collections including the Knoxville Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts in Santa Fe, the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, and Bank of America.
Kimo Minton
Jerald Melberg Gallery is also proud to present its fifth solo exhibition for New Mexico based artist Kimo Minton. The carved and painted wood sculptures by Minton are a distillation of both his Hawaiian/Asian heritage and a lifetime of observation. References to cubism, the ritual sculptures of Africa, Asia and the South Pacific all come to mind when viewing Minton's sculpture and paintings on paper. He has spent decades sifting through these influences to find his own unique vision. Despite the blatant allusions to what was once called "primitive art," Minton's works of art are clearly the products of a postmodern sensibility.
Minton's works portray human-like figures that deliberately evoke the spiritual function of much non-western art. Always respectful of the world around him, Minton gathers the cottonwood for his sculptures from his own property following a strict policy of only harvesting dead wood and never cutting down a live tree. The exhibition will include both sculptures of varying scale (one work at over 7 feet in height) and the artist's oil paintings on paper.
For further info check our NC Commercial Gallery listings or call the gallery at 704/365-3000 or at (
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427, Bonneau, SC 29431
Telephone, Answering Machine and FAX: 843/825-3408
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Carolina Arts
is published monthly by Shoestring
Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
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Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
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