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September Issue 2002
Woolworth Walk in Asheville, NC, Features Exhibition of Works by Three Artists
Interactive Plus is an exhibition
of art created by versatile artist Eliza Hafer, porcelain artist,
Colin Richmond and emerging artist Rob Hunt on view at Woolworth
Walk in Asheville, NC, from Sept. 22 through Oct. 26, 2002.
Eliza Hafer's newest acrylic paintings features archetypal figures emerging out of lush textures. Combining this exhibit of layered transparent colors with a "spinning wheel" of quotes from many cultures that the viewer may interact with, one gets a real sense of Hafer's mythic imagination that transports the viewer from the mundane to mythic wonder. Her techniques reveal the light coming from within that adds to the works symbols which spontaneously emerge while she paints. She received her degree in art from The University of California at Berkeley. She also studied art therapy as a means to discover the inner sources of imagery which she now incorporates into her art work.
Colin Richmond is well known for his realistic porcelain and fur creatures. A dozen years in the corporate world, an MBA and a brief stint in consulting were enough to drive him into independence in 1985. The art world is all the better for it as his works of art make one smile, and yes, you just have to touch them. After thoroughly researching the animal, he carves all the pieces that will be porcelain first, based on the scale determined by the fur. The carvings are molded and cast and the body is then carved and fitted to them. One a rubber mold is made of the body a template for the fur is made. "It is fascinating to learn about different kinds of animals, not just the details of how they look but the little behavioral oddities that make them sheep, or bear, or a penguin, etc. Each of the animals has opened up a whole new world," says Richmond. He also creates many breeds of dogs and will duplicate a pet owners dog from a photograph as well. This is about as far from the corporate world as one can get.
Rob Hunt is an emerging artist that knows exactly what he wants his art to say. "Dreams create my thoughts for my paintings, drawings, creations. The art is from within. A means for my feelings deep within. My conscious statements from reality, colors for visual stimulation, to be remembered.., images to be unforgettable. Each piece thought out carefully. To view as Angels and Devils, Gods and Goddesses, Earth and Heaven. Humanity." Sometimes whimsical, sometimes serious, but always causing the viewer to pause, come and see why we feel this emerging artist's work will make him well known in the art world in no time at all.
For more information check our NC Commercial
Gallery listings or call the gallery at 828/254-9234.
Mailing Address: Carolina Arts, P.O. Drawer
427, Bonneau, SC 29431
Telephone, Answering Machine and FAX: 843/825-3408
E-Mail: info@carolinaarts.com
Subscriptions are available for $18 a year.
Carolina Arts
is published monthly by Shoestring
Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2002 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
Online, Copyright© 2002 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved
by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use
without written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina
Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.