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September Issue 2003

Charleston Co. Public Library in Charleston, SC, Hosts Works by Laura Szweda

Artist Laura Liberatore Szweda will share her work throughout the month of Sept., 2003, in the Saul Alexander Gallery, located on the first floor of the downtown Main Library in Charleston, SC. Szweda's mixed medium exhibit is titled Works on Paper.

Szweda earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in 1983 from the University of Maryland. She graduated magnum cum laude earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting from The Maryland Institute College of Art. Szweda is currently on the staff at the Gibbes Museum Studio in Charleston, teaching drawing and painting classes.

Szweda's work has appeared in many solo and juried group exhibitions, including the Maryland Biennial, the Three River Arts Festival in Pittsburgh, PA, and Piccolo Spoleto. Her mixed-media painting won First Place in the 2002 Piccolo Spoleto Annual Juried Art Exhibition held in Charleston.

"Nature and a search for connection with the elements had defined direction in my painting," says Szweda, continuingwith. "Combining mixed media on paper with improvisational painting techniques, I attempt to resolve issues of abstraction and realism. My paintings function on multiple levels, revealing underlying concerns for the natural world."

For further information check our SC Institutional Gallery listings or call the Library at 843/805-6801.

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