of Past Juried Shows - 2000
- Looking Back - Looking Forward Judged
Art Exhibit Winners
- The North Charleston Cultural Arts Program
is proud to announce the winners of the recent Looking Back -
Looking Forward Judged Art Exhibit, a component of the SC State
Arts Commission's Views from the Edge of the Century Project.
The North Charleston Cultural Arts Program, in cooperation with
representatives from the Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, and Goose
Creek Artist guilds brought this exhibition opportunity to local
- David Trickey, President of the Charleston
Artists guild and his wife, Caroline. Linda and Ed Scavio, member
and administrator of the Charleston Artists Guild.
There were 132 art entries in the competition that featured a
wide variety of styles, compositions and mediums on display at
the Charleston Area Convention Center from Dec. 1 - 10, 2000.
The judge for this exhibit was
Mary B. Gilkerson, juror
- Mary B. Gilkerson, associate professor of
art at Columbia College. Gilkerson is an accomplished artist
in her own right, and has served as a juror in numerous state
Gilkerson chose the following entries as winners:
First place went to Ray E. Goodbred for an oil, "Summer
Second Place went to Zernie Smith for a pastel, "New York
Images 4";
Third Place was given to Isabel Forbes for a graphite "Queen
& Church"; Honorable Mentions. were awarded to Virginia
Rowland for an oil, "Vintage Year";
Jim Darlington for an oil, "Man of Zion";
Jeffrey Kennedy for an oil, "Running Glory";
Emma Burckhalter for a watercolor, "Pueblo Valley";
- Bob Sneed for an oil, "Hail to the Republic
of Lemony Fresh"; and
Youngblood for an oil, "Sleeping With the Words."
The People's Choice went to Richard Rose for his acrylic,
"Royal 378."
Awards went to Roxann Lewis for a watercolor, "A Riveting
Good Read" &
Pamela Harden for a collage, "I Remember the
Chiribaya Culture of Peru." All
participants were honored with an artists reception on Friday,
Dec. 1, 2000 and each received a Certificate of Participation
in this unique exhibition highlighting the cultural achievements
in the visual arts and illustrating the vitality and diversity
of SC's visual arts community.
The following is a list of all the entries that made the juried
show: Kaytee Bell - 3 watercolors, "Nick the Stick,"
"Shrimp's In," "Jack w/Daniels;" Isabel Forbes
- 2 graphites, "Queen & Church," "Elizabeth
Chapel;" Helen S. Reeves - 3 pastels, "Autumn Colors,"
"Lo Country Elegance," "Rose Solitaire;"
Nancy Badgley - mixed, "Elliot's Cut," - acrylic, "Scratching
Post;" Jack Thames - acrylic, " Bass Creek;" Jan
Puckhaber - watercolors, "Deck View," "Roses and
Berries," "Annie's Vessel;" Jim Darlington - oils,
"Woman in Black Dress," "Man of Zion;" Jacquelyn
Gamble - watercolor, "Lillies;" Ginny Hancock - oils,
"Right Now," "Looking Back," "Looking
Forward;" J.R.M. Silver - acrylics, "The Bargain,"
"Frolic," "Look Away, Dixieland;" Bob Herbert
- acrylic, "Mallards," - mixed, "Ford Coupe;"
Johnnie Stanfield - mixed, "Letting Go;" Maxine Whitehurst
- watercolors, "Pink Max's Amaryllis," "Pink Confederate
Rose;" Richard F. Rose - acrylics, "Roval 378,"
"Wailing;" Roxann Lewis - watercolors, "Mary's
Baskets," "A Riveting Good Read;" Ray Hatfield
- acrylics, "Magnolia," "Return To Me," "Memories
of Sullivan's Island;" Renee Ettline - graphite, "The
Adventurous Spirit," - mixed, "Mr. Robert;" Pamela
Harden - mixed, "...Culture of Peru," "Half Circle
w/Flame," - monotype, "Huevos Rancheros;" Virginia
Rowland - oils, "Monday, Wash Day," "Vintage Year,"
"Autumn Sunset;" Linda Yoakum - oils, "Quiet Moments,"
"Mom and Me," "Forgotten Unneeded;" Deborah
Palmer - pastel, "Lowcountry Big Sky;" Jeffrey Kennedy
- oils, "Running Glory," "Fruits and Iris,"
- pencil, "Chief Shot in the Hand;" AnnMarie McKay
- pastel, "Family Reunion...;" Bette L. Bentley - acrylics,
"Summer Stripes at Folly," "Golden Grasses;"
Thomas M. Blaylock - watercolors, "The Hug," "Adam...II,"
"The Beach comber;" Willis Sanders - pen/ink, "Great
Blue Heron," "Ms. Maude," "Angel Oak;"
Mary Fitzgerald - acrylic, "The Early Show,"- pastel,
"Polly's Eggplant," - egg tempera, "Low Tide;"
Vincent Bobo - watercolors, "Buffalo Count," "No
Surrender," :Market Set-up;" Ray E. Goodbred - oil,
"Tribute," "Summer Rental;" Robert Sweeny
- pencil, "Pato and Wren," "Sugah 2;" Linda
Medders - pastels, "Rookies' Boots," "Some Bunny
Loves You;" Patricia Brinson - pastel, "Positively
Poppy;" Gloria Allen Locklair - watercolors, "Life
Within," "Blue Ridge Memoirs;"
- Artist Marvin Youngblood, with wife Delores
and daughter, Shanay. His oil painting, "Sleeping With the
Words," won Honorable Mention
- Marvin Youngblood - oil, "Beautiful
Day for Fishing," "Sleeping with the Words;" Teri
Gainey Bastian - pastel, "Pretty in Pink," - watercolor,
"Magnolia;" Crystal Beasly - graphite, "Self Portrait;"
Jennifer Polin - dry point, "Silent Night;" Shayna
Beckman - pastel, "Untitled;" Anita Blewer - mixed,
"Char. Nature Series II," - collage, "Charms of
Charleston;" Carliss Prosser - watercolors, "The Kingdom
of God," "Reflections & Meditations," - watercolor
collage, "Heritage;" Emma Burckhalter - mixed, "Swan's
Lake," - pastel, "Southwest Terrain," - watercolor,
"Pueblo Valley;" J. Christian Snedeker - oil, "End
of the Day;" Cicso Lindsey - oils, "Lowcountry Marsh,"
"Golf Cart Bridge," "Yellow Rose;" Christine
Crosby - oils, "Retreat!," "Flying Fish;"
Zane Gantt - watercolor, "Lowcountry Crabbing;" Eugenia
L. Harrison - watercolors, "Romantic Shores," "October
on the Island," "Brilliant Sunset;" Drayton Smith
- acrylics, "CDR. E. P. Smith," "Leonard Turner,"
"Self-Portrait;" Linda Scavio - mixed, "Time &
Tides," "First to Turn;" Sabine Avcalade - acrylics,
"...Provena France," "Midnight Marsh," "Festival
of the Arts;" Caroline Smith - silk, "Isabella,"
"Longing," "Absolutely Fabulous;" C. Staats
- oils, "Ying Yang," "Contemporary Madonna,"
"Path to the Sea;" Bob Snead - mezzotint, "Welcome
Cruel World," - oils, "Joyous is He Who...," "Hail
to the Republic;" Zernie Smith - pastel, "New York
Images 3," New York Images 4," "Three Candles
for Ophelia;" Stan Herrington - airbrush, "Silent Watcher,"
"Observer;" David Helmericks - oils, "Remembering
Aphrodite;" Krist Mills - monotype, "White Noise,"
"Interior," - acrylic, "Untitled Interior;"
Pamela Bledsoe - acrylics, "Looking Back," "Looking
Forward;" Yvonne Rousseau - acrylic, "Tradition Keepers;"
Charles Parnelle - watercolor, "Light & Shadow,"
"Off Season," "Well?;" Rick Croucher - oil,
"Foot Path."
- The South Carolina Watercolor Society's
22nd Annual Awards Exhibition is on display at the Burroughs-Chapin
Art Museum in Myrtle Beach, SC, through June 27, 2000. From the
200 entries submitted by artists in SC and the Brunswick, NC,
area, 75 images were selected for the exhibition by the juror,
Edward Betts, internationally known artist, juror, and author.
Awards totalling $10,250 were given to the top 30 paintings.
The winners are: (other awards mentioned on page 1.)
Trenholm Artists Guild & Cameo Art Gallery Award ($400) went
to Wendyth L. Thomas of Columbia for Pool Series: Mossy Point.
A&Q Industries, Amero-Tex Limited, & CPT-Arkansas Award
($300) was given to Al Beyer of Aiken for Untitled.
Sonoco Products Award ($300) was presented to Carrie Burns Brown
of Greenville for Syncopation.
First Southeast Insurance Services, Inc. Award ($300) went of
Carolyn Epperly of Charleston for Mode Repose II.
SCWS Board of Directors Award ($300) was given to Claire K. Farrell
of Lexington for Saint Helena Sunrise II.
SCWS Past Presidents Award ($300) went to Rose Metz of Sumter
for Chambers.
Columbia Wednesday Paint Group Award ($300) went to Barbara St.
Denis of Easley for Time Series 31: So...Are You Satisfied?
Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co./UNUM Award ($250)
was given to Ann Heard of Anderson for Western Tapestry.
Bebe & Lorin Mason Award ($250) went to Stephen R. McCrae,
Sr. of Fort Mill for Texas Blue-Bells II.
Gray Man Gallery & Georgetown County Watercolor Society Award
($250) went to Joan Templer of Beaufort for The Swans of Tuenela.
Allen & Randolph Armstrong Award, In honor of Mary Sims New
($200) was presented to Angela Bradburn of Columbia for Lightstruck.
Art Xpress Award ($200) went to Kathryn Brush of Pawleys Island
for Butterfly.
The Howard Gallery Award ($200) went to Vickie Baily Ebbers of
Hilton Head for Just Past Ten.
The R.L. Bryan Company Award ($200) went to Dee Hansen of Columbia
for Counterpoint.
Foundation for the Carolinas Award ($200) was given to Ingrid
Hofer of McCormick for Shore Line.
Georgetown Steel Corporation Award ($200) went to Claire Miller
Hopkins of Spartanburg for Waiting for Mama, Study #3.
Morris Gallery & Steve Junus/Edward Jones Co. Award ($200)
was presented to Linda McCane of Spartanburg for Some Dance to
Remember, Some Dance to Forget.
Wachovia Bank of Myrtle Beach Award ($200) went to Marilyn Murrell
of Easley for Memories.
Waccamaw Gallery Award ($200) was given to Dorothy Nichols of
Pawleys Island for Eruption.
Art in a Nutshell & Collectors Cafe Award ($200) was given
to May Reisz of Columbia for Canyon series #1.
Hummingbird Gallery Award & Sumter Artists Guild Award ($200)
went to Mary Ellen Suitt of Spartanburg for Serenity.
Charleston Art Galleries Award ($200) was presented to Steven
Jordan of Mt. Pleasant for Mystic Morning.
For further info call 843/238-2510.
- The Artists' Guild of Spartanburg
Annual Juried Exhibition is on display at the Spartanburg County
Museum of Art, Spartanberg, SC, through June 20, 2000. From entries
submitted by artists, 74 images were selected for the exhibition
by the juror, Connie Bostic. Bostic is an artist, curator of
exhibitions and art critic who writes reviews and essays on exhibitions
and artists. The winners are:
Best in Show was presented to Teresa Prater for Lady.
Second Place went to Daniel Cromer for Untitled and Unfinished.
Third Place was given to Jill Jones for Their Days are Numbered.
Spartanburg Museum of Art Merit Award went to Mary Ellen Suitt
for Opening Night.
Award of Excellence was given to Jane Nodine for Words Not Spoken.
Award of Excellence went to Winston Wingo for Urban Runner, Target
Practice IV.
Award of Excellence was given to Alwayne Williams for Basic Black
Series - Mirror Image.
Mrs. Tom Malone Merit Award went to Doris Turner for Chuigan
Jean Price Blackfird Merit Award was given to Suzanne Zoole for
The Green Room.
Eaddy Williams Hayes Merit Award went to Teresa Prater for Twilight.
Anonymous Merit Award was presented to Don Ferullo for Passage.
Southeast Printing Merit Award went to Rachel Burgess for Tower
of Sin.
Spartanburg Photographic Center Merit Award was given to Stephen
Stinson for John / Bass Fiddle.
Conn Arts Merit Award was presented to Michael Thorstad for Pollute
Art-Craft & Frame Merit Award went to Edythe S. Wise for
For further info call 864/582-7616.
- The 11th Biennial Southern Visions Photography
Exhibition is on display at the Springs Gallery at the Museum
of York County, Rock Hill, SC, through Aug. 22, 2000. From the
387 slide entries submitted by 139 Carolina photographers 53
images were selected for the exhibition by the juror, Olivia
Parker, a highly acclaimed photographer. Awards totalling $5,000
were awarded in the categories of black and white, color and
alternative methods. Thirty-six of these works will travel with
the SC State Museum's Traveling Exhibition Program. The winners
First Place Alternative went to Lee E. Stewart of Charlotte,
NC, for Out of the Blue.
First Place Black & White went to Amy Marie Holmes of Clemson,
SC, for Tattooed.
First Place Color went to Adrian Emmett Harris of Greensboro,
NC, for Untitled #3.
Second Place Alternative was presented to Donna H. Goodman, PhD,
of Florence, SC, for A Soul Remembering My Good Friend.
Second Place Black & White went to Robert Pesek of Durham,
NC, for Dillsboro, NC.
Second Place Color went to Jorge A. Otero of Lugoff, SC, for
El Suenode Miro (Miro's Dream).
Third Place Alternative was given to William Willner of Winston
Salem, NC, for Blue Fish.
Third Place Black & White went to Tina W. Manley of Rock
Hill, SC, for Amilcar Monueles.
Third Place Color was presented to Laura Ann Evans of Boone,
NC, for Blue.
All of the above winners were also selected for the Southern
Visions Travelling Exhibition.
For further info call 803/329-2121.
- The Fourth Annual Juried Western North Carolina
High School Art Competition was on display at the Arts Center
of Henderson County in Hendersonville, NC, through May 1. Open
to all High School students in Western NC, the winners were chosen
from over 250 entries from 11 participating High Schools. The
winners were selected for the exhibition by the jurors, Elma
Johnson and Brenda Coates, retired art faculty members from UNC-Asheville.
The winners were:
The Best of Show Award went to Max Cooper of Mountain Heritage
High School for his photo collage, Destiny.
The Judge's Choice Award was given to Pieter Smith of East Henderson
High School for his Untitled painting.
The Two-Dimensional Category Award was given to Ariel Glassman
from Hendersonville High School for her Untitled painting.
The Three-Dimensional Category Award was given to Mary Moseley
of Asheville High School for her hand-thrown ceramic bowls.
The Mixed Media Award went to Rory Mulholland of East Henderson
High School for his Self-Portrait.
The Photography Award was presented to Scott McKenzie of North
Buncombe High School for his black and white photograph, James
in Motion.
Ten Honorable Mentions were presented to the following students:
Alexia Troxell and Kelli Punch of Mt. Heritage High School; Patrick
Behm of TC Roberson High School; Anne Guazua, Jason Gaddy, and
Nathan Roberts of North Buncombe High School; Laurissa Hoyle,
Cara Hastings, and Stefani Hobbic of Hendersonville High School;
and Jeremy Moore of East Henderson High School.
Gift Certificates sponsored by the following area businesses
were given as prizes: Blue Butterfly Studio, True Blue Art Supplies,
Presto Art Supplies, Highwater Clays, Frugal Framer, and Flinchum
Photograph/Quick Prints.
For further info call 828/693-8504.
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Mailing Address: Carolina Arts, 511 Hildebrand Drive, Bonneau, SC 29431
Telephone: 843.693.1306
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc. Copyright© 1987-2023 by PSMG, Inc. which published Charleston Arts from July 1987 - December 1994 and South Carolina Arts from January 1995 - December 1996. It also published Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 1998 - 2023 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited.