of Past Juried Shows - 2008
- Updated on November 21, 2008
- The South Carolina Watermedia Society
held its "31st Annual Exhibition" at the Franklin G.
Burroughs - Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum in Myrtle Beach, SC,
from Oct. 25 through Dec. 31, 2008.
- The exhibition was juried by nationally recognized
artist Mark E. Mehaffey, who selected 64 works to be placed in
the exhibition out of 158 entries submitted by SCWS members.
The top 30 works of art were given awards which totaled $8,450
in monetary awards and $1,500 in merchandise awards. These top
30 works will comprise the "31st Annual SCWS Traveling Exhibition,"
which will be displayed throughout South Carolina during 2009
in community art centers under the coordination of the South
Carolina State Museum. For info about the traveling exhibit call
Jeff Powley, Outreach Manager of the SC State Museum at 803/737-4159.
- Mark E. Mehaffey is a signature member of
the National Watercolor Society, the American Watercolor Society,
Transparent Watercolor Society of America Signature Life member-Master
Status, Watercolor West and the Rocky Mountain Watermedia Society,
and signature life member of Louisiana Watercolor Society. He
has won major awards in juried exhibitions across the country
including the Beverly Green Memorial Purchase Award from the
National Watercolor Society, the Silver Medal of Honor and the
Arches Paper Co Award from AWS, the M. Grumbacher Gold Medal
from Allied Artists of America, and the Skyledge Award from the
Midwest Watercolor Society. Mehaffey's work has appeared in many
publications; most recently in "The Best of Watercolor",
"Splash 5-The Glory of Color", "Splash 10-Passionate
Brush Strokes", "Places in Watercolor" and as
a featured artist in a step by step guide and showcase, "Creative
Watercolor", Rockport publisher.
- A professionally produced DVD featuring the
juror's critique of paintings from the 2008 exhibition is available
on a loan basis. There is a $8 fee for postage and handling for
a 30-day loan, or it may be purchased for $15. Contact the SCWS
Business Office for further info.
- The results of the top 30 awards are as follows:
- The Best of Show, Founding Members of
the Georgetown County Watercolor Society Award - $1,000 went
to Jennifer Hamilton of Rock Hill, SC, for "Double Trouble"
an acrylic on illustration board; the Husbands, Wives and
Friends of Artists Award - $700 went to Al Beyer of Aiken,
SC, for "8" a watercolor/gouache on paper; the Past
Presidents Award - $600 was given to Alex Powers of Myrtle
Beach, SC, for "Never Been Happy" a gouache/charcoal/collage/pastel;
the Mike and Janice Coward Award - $500 went to Steve
Garner of Simpsonville, SC, for "Sea Trout in Hiding"
a gouache; and the Christopher's Fine Jewelry Award -
$500 was given to Maura Kenny of Pawleys Island, SC, for "The
Homefront" a watercolor/stitchery/beads on paper.
- The M.P. "Squeeky" Swenson and
the Coastal Observer Award - $500 went to Carrie Brown, NWS
of Greenville, SC, for "Out of Balance" an acrylic
on canvas; the Georgetown County Watercolor Society Award
- $400 went to Toni M. Elkins, NWS of Columbia, SC for "Peace"
an acrylic on paper; the Beach First Bank Award -$300
was given to Nancy Clayton of Seneca, SC, for "By A Thread"
a watercolor on paper; the First Federal of Charleston Award-
$300 went to Harriet Goode of Rock Hill, SC, for "The Very
Edge of Collapse" an acrylic/charcoal on illustration board;
and the John and Barbara Brock Award - $250 went to Carolyn
Epperly of Charleston, SC, for "Reflecting Shopping"
a watercolor.
- The Cheap Joe's Art Award - $250 was
given to Cecile L.K. Martin, NWS of Seneca, SC, for "four
o'clock" a watercolor on paper; the Florence Visual Arts
Guild Award - $250 went to Barbara O'Neal Davis of York,
SC, for "Contemplation" a watercolor on yupo; the Jack
Dowis Award (Given by Friends of Jack Dowis) - $250 went
to Rose Metz of Sumter, SC, for "Untitled" an acrylic/pencil;
the Pawleys Island Realty Award - $250 was awarded to
Randolph New Armstrong, AWS, NWS of Greer, SC, for "The
Color of Money" an acrylic on illustration board; and the
True Blue Nursery of Pawleys Island Award - $250 went
to Jaclyn Wukela of Florence, SC, for "Sarah III" a
watercolor on yupo.
- The Rep. Vida Miller and the Gray Man
Gallery Award - $250 went to Fran Humphries of Easley, SC,
for "Just Relaxin'" a watercolor on paper; the Steve
McRae Memorial Award - $200 went to Anne Hightower-Patterson
of Columbia, SC, for "Plum Peachy with Blackberries"
a watercolor/casein on paper; the Allen Armstrong Award
- $200 was given to Angela Bradburn, AWS, NWS of Columbia, SC,
for "Fallen Branch" a watercolor on paper; the Beaufort
Art Association Award - $200 was given to Michael Slattery
of Taylors, SC, for "Madison Avenue, Manhattan" an
acrylic on paper; and the City Art/Art Xpress Award -
$200 went to Bruce Chandler of Charlotte, NC, for Caviar Magnate"
a watercolor on paper.
- The Lena Massara Memorial Award -
$200 went to Peter Kaniaris of Anderson, SC, for "Firechair"
a mixed media on paper; the Toni and Sam Elkins Award
- $200 was given to Beti Strobeck of Seneca, SC, for "A
Keeper" a watercolor on paper; the Palmetto Framing Supplies
Award - $200 went to Larry Mauldin of Spartanburg, SC, for
"Our Daily Bread" an ink & watercolor on illustration
board; The Artists of Studio South Award - $200 was given
to Russell Jewell, NWS of Easley, SC, for "Three Men And
A Tub" a watercolor; and the Crooked Creek Art League
Cash Award of $100 and Eli Warren Photography Merchandise
Award of $155 went to Arnold Carrouth of Fort Mill, SC, for
"Totem Series" an acrylic/collage/handpainted papers.
- The Trenholm Artists Guild Cash Award
of $100 and Jack Richeson and Co. Merchandise Award of
$150 went to Roy Paschal of West Columbia, SC, for "Peace
and Love" a watercolor; the Seven Oaks Art League Cash
Award of $100 and Golden Artist Colors, Inc. Merchandise
Award of $100 was awarded to Vickie Bailey Ebbers of Hilton
Head Island, SC, for "Linda, Waiting For Grandma" a
watercolor on gessoed paper; the M.Graham and Co. Merchandise
Award - $460 went to Patricia Kilburg of Taylors, SC, for
"Sic Transit" an acrylic/collage on canvas; the Cheap
Joe's Merchandise Award - $250 was given to Guy Lipscomb,
AWS of West Columbia, SC, for "That Nugget" an acrylic
on paper; and the Winsor and Newton Merchandise Award
- $250 went to Lynn Greer of Greenville, SC, for "Paths
Of Light" a watercolor on yupo.
- The South Carolina Watermedia Society, the
only statewide visual arts organization in South Carolina, nurtures
and promotes artists who work in watermedia (i.e. watercolor,
acrylic, gouache, casein and mixed media in conjunction with
watermedia on any surface) by providing exhibition opportunities,
professional development and educational programs.
- For further information contact Damita Jeter
at the SCWS Business Office by calling 803/351-2721 or visit
- The winners of the "2008 Annual All
Members Art Show," sponsored by The Art League of Henderson
County, was announced at a reception held in honor of the
artists represented in the show. The show is located in
the Opportunity House in Hendersonville, NC, and will remain
there for the public's enjoyment through Dec. 30, 2008.
The winners listed by category are:
Landscapes: Karen Chambers - 1st Place; Richard
Kaiser - 2nd Place; Kate Thayer - 3rd Place;
and Honorable Mention - Freedreen Bematovicz.
Abstracts: Lorraine King - 1st Place; Mary Robinson
- 2nd Place; Reda Kay - 3rd Place; and Honorable
Mention - Carol Kronus.
People and/or Animals: Beverly Kies - 1st Place;
Merritt Roach - 2nd Place; Barbara Hipwell - 3rd
Place; and Honorable Mention - Joyce Cate.
Still Life and/or Floral: Kathy Gagnon - 1st Place;
Diane Coleman - 2nd Place; Leila Starke - 3rd Place;
and Honorable Mention - John Anderson.
Best of Show - Kathy Vorbrich
- R.K. Best Watercolor
- Cynthia Moser
- Dick Kaiser Honorable Mention Best Watercolor - Al Junek.
- For further info or for viewing hours call

The Art Institute of Charleston in
Charleston, SC, has announced the winners of its recent "Student
Art Show". Winners are as follows: 1st Place went
to Jonathan Katzenberg for "Untitled"; 2nd Place
went to Jake Drake for "Eye"; 3rd Place was given
to Kayla McGuire for "A Pearl on the Cob"; and the President's
Choice went to Shannon Di for "Image #6, Film Noir".
For further info call Paige Crone at 843/343-1223.

(back row): Lucy Counts (9th-grade 3rd place,
three-dimensional), Emily Theus (9th-grade 1st place, three-dimensional),
Philip Thomas (12th-grade Merit Award, two-dimensional), Mary
Kascur (10th-grade 2nd place, three-dimensional; Merit Award,
two-dimensional) and (front row) Sonovia Harmon (11th-grade 2nd
place, two-dimensional), Julie Jacobs (11th-grade 1st place,
two-dimensional), Jessica Hankins (9th-grade 1st place, two-dimensional),
and Rebecca Tower (9th-grade 3rd place, two dimensional).
Twelve Richland Northeast High School
(Columbia, SC) art students won awards at the 2008 South Carolina
State Fair this year. In addition, RNE visual arts teachers Mary
Catherine Newman and Catherine Trosclair tied for the High School
Teacher Award, given to the teacher with the most student winners.
Both are receiving the honor. Among 9th graders, Jessica Hankins
won 1st place in the two-dimensional category; Rebecca Tower won
3rd place in the two-dimensional category; Emily Theus won 1st
place in the three-dimensional category; Maria Zubizarreta won
2nd place in the three-dimensional category; and Lucy Counts won
3rd place in the three-dimensional category. Laura Dorn and Katie
Shlon each won a Merit Award in the three-dimensional category.
Among 10th graders, Mary Kacsur won 2nd place in the three-dimensional
category and a Merit Award in the two-dimensional category; and
Jessica House won 3rd place in the three-dimensional category.
Among 11th graders, Julie Jacobs won 1st place in the two-dimensional
category, and Sonovia Harmon won 2nd place in the two-dimensional
category. Among 12th graders, Philip Thomas and David Yang each
won a Merit Award in the two-dimensional category. Hankins, Harmon,
Jacobs, Thomas, Tower, and Yang are students of Mary Catherine
Newman. Counts, Dorn, House, Shlon, Theus, and Zubizarreta are
students of Catherine Trosclair. Kascur takes classes with both
teachers. For further info contact Susan Silverstein, public relations
at RNE by calling 803/699-2800 ext. 2742 or e-mailing to (
Winners in the Arts Council of Lincoln County's
"2008 Paul C. Rhyne Art Competition" held in Lincolnton,
NC, have been announced. The unidentified juror's comments are
also offered after each winning entry. The winners are: 1st
Place - Gary Freeman for "Almost Home" a seascape.
"Impressive creation of vast space and celebration of a really
good day. The thought of the land & trees opposing the lighter
undulations of water add to the total effect". 2nd Place
- Derek A. Corbin for "Tiger" a portrait of a tiger.
"This is a catalogue of great craft & technique from
glazing to impressionism. Can't stay away from the eyes. Captures
beauty & danger in a classic presentation of complements and
a complete value scale". 3rd Place - Ken Shermer for
"Meredith Portrait" a portrait of a woman. "Another
classic in tribute to cubism. The fragmenting picture plane and
the distribution of dark support areas complement the brush stroke
rendering of a modern woman seen through Picasso/Cezanne eyes".
1st Honorable Mention - Lynn Dermott for "A Walk at
the Beach" a seascape. "Come back to this painting for
a closer look and the intimacy of technique will impress. The
collage depiction of the sand barriers is clear and effective
and leading the eye back to the water in overlapping zig-zags
creates space successfully". 2nd Honorable Mention -
Raine Middleton for "Aunt Madge's Rose" a carved platter.
"The large bowl is notably arresting in size, but also in
rhythm. The carving of the slip to reveal the subject would be
enough, but the texture of the background carving creates a pattern
of its own". For further information call the Arts Council
at 704/732-9044.
The Anderson Artist Guild's "Membership
Show" is on display at the Anderson Arts Center in Anderson,
SC, through Nov. 26, 2008. This annual exhibition features the
local talents of the Anderson Artist Guild's members with 99 pieces
of art! This year, the juror was Susan DuPlessis, Participation
Program Director at the South Carolina Arts Commission in Columbia,
SC. On Oct. 10, 2008, an awards presentation was held. The results
are as follows: First Place Award went to Jose Acaba for
"Monday Model", graphite; Second Place Award
went to Sybil Hill for "McPhail Barns", oil; Third
Place Award was given to Alice Hawthorne for "Forkastration",
photography; Belton Center for the Arts $50 Merit Award went
to Juan A. Brown for "Misty Memories", photography;
The Moore Agency Honea Path, SC $100 Merit Award went to
Caroline M. Glenn for "Mountain Sunset" (leather bound
blank journal), leather & paper; Anderson Arts Center $50
Merit Award went to Kim Harper for "Dancers", fiber;
Arthur State Bank $50 Merit Award went to Ann Heard for
"Love of Trees #8", acrylic; In Honor of our Art
Teachers $50 Merit Award was given to Fran Humphries for "Little
Tonoca", watermedia; Dr. James & Lisa Groeber $100
Merit Award went to Terry L. Laughlin for "Sake",
acrylic layers; Dr. & Mrs. Bill Dunlap $100 Merit Award
went to Brian MacCormack for "Ed & Cloud", acrylic;
John & Diann Stathakis $100 Merit Award went to Stacey
A. McAdams for "Mausoleum", oil on canvas; John Davis
$100 Merit Award was given to Carmen Melton for "Getting
There", mixed media; Dr. Marhshall Meadors $350 Purchase
Award went to Faye and Nancy Perry for "Pinckney Island",
oil pastel; Cheap Joe's Art Stuff $50 Gift Certificate Merit
Award went to Edith L. Pierce for "Flower Fusion",
acrylic; Bank of Anderson $50 Merit Award was given to
Ray Richards for "The Green Door", photography; Honea
Path Floral $50 Merit Award went to Liz Smith-Cox for "The
Lawyer", watercolor; Renaissance Interiors & Eleanor
Gray $50 Merit Award went to Lori Solymosi for "Portrait",
acrylic; and Floral Arts $50 Merit Award went to William
Whiteside for "Shell Hunter", acrylic. For further information
call the Art Center at 864/222-2787 or visit (
The 18th Annual Old Santee Canal Fine Arts Exhibition began Aug.
23, 2008. The event, hosted by The Berkeley Artist Guild,
Santee Cooper and Berkeley County Council, will run through Sept.
7, 2008. Everyone is encouraged to drop by the Old Santee Canal
Park in Moncks Corner, SC, to see the exhibit and cast a vote
for the People's Choice award, to be announced on Sept. 7, 2008.
This popular event draws a large number of artists from all over
the state as well as from Berkeley County. This year 110 pieces
were entered and will be shown over the next two weeks. Many of
the pieces on display are available for sale. There is no cost
to see the show or cast votes for Peoples Choice. However, guest
will have to pay the normal entry fee to get into the park. Families
are encouraged to come early and enjoy the park in addition to
strolling through the display area, located inside the Interpretive
Center. Monetary awards totaling around $3,000. are given and
the results include: Best in Show, an oil, "City Gem'
by Margaret Connell deRuyter; First place Aqua Media, a
watercolor, "Resurrection Bay" by Kelly Hazel; First
place Oils and Acrylics, a oil, "Yesterday" by Horace
Nobles; First place Mixed Media, "Space Interrupted"
by Barbara Brock; First place Pencil and Graphics, "The
Dust Gatherers" by Bob Graham; First place Pastels,
"Cotton Candy" by Linda Medders Jackson. The Berkeley
County Council Purchase Award winner this year was a pencil,
"Barefootin" by Linda Medders Jackson. The Old Santee
Canal Park Purchase Award winner was, a pastel, "Two
Messages" by Trish Emery. The People's Choice Award
will be determined by visitor ballot and announced Sept. 7, 2008.
Second and third place winners are also on display at the center.
This year's Juror was Luana Luconi Winner from Raleigh, NC. She
is a founding member of the Portrait Society of America and was
schooled in Rome, Florence, Switzerland and the USA. She is a
national and international award winning artist. Her portraits,
paintings and murals hang in corporations, universities and residences
on both sides of the ocean. For further info call Camille Petersen
Sergeant at 843/719-7930.
The Berkeley
County Artists Guild held its annual exhibition in July 2008
at the Berkeley Museum at the Old Santee Canal Park in Moncks
Corner, SC. The results were as follows: Best of Show went
to Linda Medders-Jackson for "Cotton Candy"; People's
Choice Award went to Linda Medders-Jackson for "Barefootin'";
the Berkeley County Award went to Horace Nobles for "Country
Road"; Best Animal Award went to Linda Medders-Jackson
for "Margie's Miracle"; the Town of Moncks Corner
Mayor's Award went to Linda Medders-Jackson for "Margie's
Miracle"; the Best Bird Award went to Betty Crow for
"Knee Deep"; the Best Floral Award went to Linda
Medders-Jackson for "Shady Lady"; and the Best Landscape
Award went to Jonnie Watts for "Coming in for a Landing".
The awards in the Oils category went to: 1st Place
to Horace Nobles for "Country Roads"; 2nd Place
to Jan Roach for "Summer Sweetness"; 3rd Place
to Gayle Jourdain for "Biggin' Creek"; and Honorable
Mention went to Janet Dooley for "Two of a Kind".
The awards in the Acrylics category went to: 1st Place
to Jonnie Watts for "Coming in for a Landing"; 2nd
Place to Patricia Green Brinson for "Bedoin Taxi";
3rd Place to Jacquelyn Gamble for "Autumn Harvest";
and Honorable Mention to Ruth Grebe for "Middleton
The awards in the Drawing category went to: 1st Place
to Linda Medders-Jackson for "Barefootin'"; 2nd Place
to Ellen Gosnel for "Lilly"; 3rd Place to Barbara
Bennett for "Morning Glory"; and Honorable Mention
to Patricia Green Brinson for "Nature's Umbrella".
The awards in the Mixed Media category went to: 1st
Place to Patricia Green Brinson for "Original View";
2nd Place to Gayle Jourdain for "Peaceful Morning
at Mepkin Abbey"; 3rd Place to Linda Medders-Jackson
for "Dancin' with Crown"; and Honorable Mention
to Patricia Green Brinson for "Moonlit Poppy Pod".
The awards in the Pastels category went to: 1st Place
to Trish Emery for "Dawn Patrol"; 2nd Place to
Patricia Green Brinson for "Spanish Moss"; 3rd Place
to Trish Emery for "True Confessions"; and Honorable
Mention to Libby Comer for "Little Luke".
The awards in the Watercolor category went to: 1st Place
to Alice M. Ward for "Muriels Inlet"; 2nd Place
to Linda Medders-Jackson for "Margie's Miracle"; 3rd
Place to Jonnie Watts for "Oh so Sweet"; and Honorable
Mention to Alice M. Ward for "Betta Fish".
For further information contact Camille Petersen by e-mail at
The Pickens County Cultural Commission in Pickens,
SC, is pleased to announce that the Pickens County Museum of
Art & History's "Twenty-Ninth Annual Juried South
Carolina Artist's Exhibition" opened with an awards ceremony
was held on April 26. The exhibition will continue through June
5, 2008. Josh Yu, a professor of painting at the Savannah College
of Art and Design since 1994 served as juror for this year's competition.
In addition to serving as the Chair of the Painting Department
at SCAD, Dr. Yu assists and directs special projects and international
exhibitions. He received his BFA from Memphis College of Art,
Memphis, TN and his MFA from Savannah College of Art and Design,
Savannah, GA. Dr. Yu spent the days of April 12 & 13 looking
at, and contemplating 327 works of art representing 175 South
Carolina artisans. The vast array of paintings, drawings, photographs,
prints, ceramics, fiber and other mediums made for the difficult
task of selecting works for, and eliminating works from, the final
show. The impressive final selection of 151 works of art represents
117 individuals currently creating visual art in this state. About
the jury process, Dr. Yu said, "As a Chinese-American artist
and professor with a multicultural background, I was very excited
by the challenge of viewing and judging the 'Twenty Ninth Annual
Juried South Carolina Artists Competition'. This gave me an opportunity
to view so many artworks representing the South Carolina art community;
due to the limitation of show space, it was painful for me to
eliminate almost 60% of the submitted pieces." "There
was a number of great works worthy of my nomination for awards
and mentions," he continued. "Overall, I am extremely
pleased to see some excellent works with multimedia and multiform,
produced by different levels of professional, emerging or self-taught
artists. As to why I have been interested in certain works and
not others, I will say that points regarding the conscious component
of judging that may possibly be articulated. These include creativity,
uniqueness, encouragement, diversity and involvement. We are living
in a multicultural environment; we support each other and we want
to have more and more people to be involved in our art community.
Artistic creativity enriches and improves our lives." The
awards for this year's competition represent not only a cross
section of what is taking place in the visual arts of South Carolina
today, but are also a fair representation of the variety of artists
actively "at work". Dr. Yu chose the worked monoprint
"Abstraction NO 5" by Greenville's Hamed Mahmoodi as
the First Place Award. Second Place was presented
to Jeannie Davis of Easley for her photograph, "Lunch at
Nino's". The Third Place honor went to Spartanburg's
David M. Benson for his mixed media piece, "A Birds Watch".
Honorable Mentions were bestowed upon Cecile L.K. Martin
of Seneca for her monoprint w/Colored Pencil "Beneath the
Sea..." and to Gaffney's Sara Dame Setzer for her monoprint
"Time to Buy More Toothbrushes #4: March On". In addition
to the above awards, Dr. Yu asked that a special "Juror's
Choice" accolade, denoting artwork of special interest,
be presented to John Brecht of Aiken for his graphite & oil
bar drawing "Trees in Washington Square", to Greenville's
Terry Davenport for his digital mixed media print "Seasonal
Palette", to April Harrison of Simpsonville for her mixed
media collage "My Brothers Keeper", to Spartanburg's
Guido Migiano for his oil painting "Sunlight Over the Marsh",
to J.J. Ohlinger of Greenville for his watercolor "James",
to Cleveland's Tammy Robinette for her woodcarving "Simple
Times", to Jacob Stephens of Greenville for his mixed media
"Golden Years", to Pickens' Patty Turner for her wooden
dulcimer "Anderson Pop Star", and to Christoph Zydowicz
of Greenville for his photograph "LA Sunset". The Museum's
Director, Allen Coleman chose the glass tile mosaic, "Pileated
Woodpeckers" by Gregg Crume of Seneca as the recipient of
the 2008 Director's Choice commendation. Thanks to the
kind sponsorships of Pickens County & the Pickens County Cultural
Commission, Roger & Susan Benjamin, Connie & June Bowers,
Central Textiles, Inc., Donald & Margaret Collins, Seth &
Doreen Heimlich, Greystone Industries, Inc., Liberty Denim LLC,
The Reserve at Lake Keowee Community Foundation, John & Judy
Rozelle and Shirley Sarlin, the Pickens County Museum selected
nine works that, within the scope of their mission directive,
will be added to the museum's permanent collection. The Pickens
County Cultural Commission's Purchase Award honoring Shirley Sarlin
was presented to Elizabeth A. Snipes of Clemson for her oil painting
"Truth, Like an Illusion". The Roger & Susan Benjamin
Purchase Awards were presented to Terry Davenport of Greenville
for his digital mixed media "Seasonal Palette" and to
Anderson's A. Darrell Hickman for his archival pigment print "Mammoth
Hot Springs: Yellowstone." Additional Museum Purchase Awards
were made to Easley's Clay Bolt for his photograph "Green
Salamander, Pickens SC", to Liz Smith Cox of Central for
her watercolor "When Jed Was Eight", to Easley's Jeannie
Davis for the photograph "Lunch at Nino's", to Ray Richards
of Anderson for his photograph "The Way Out", to Easley's
Jo Ann Taylor for the acrylic collage "Moon Dream" and
to Carole Knudson Tinsley of Greenville for her acrylic on paper
"Raven Beneath the Moon." The Reserve at Lake Keowee
Community Foundation Purchase Award was presented to Carlene Shuler
Brown of Belton for her Ink Stained Paper Collage, "Music
in Motion". This work will be added to the Reserve's collection.
In addition to the twenty-five works of art singled out for special
mention, there are one-hundred and twenty-six others on the walls
and pedestals throughout the museum's Sealevel Gallery, G-1 Gallery
and Focus Gallery. No matter where your individual taste in art
may lead, you will find some satisfaction in this exhibition.
The variety of work represented is a generous reflection of the
community of artists presently at work in South Carolina. The
Pickens County Museum of Art & History is funded in part by
Pickens County, friends and members of the museum and a grant
from the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support
from the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information
call the museum at 864/898-5963.
- The award winners from the 2008 Piccolo
Spoleto Outdoor Show have been anounced. The show took place
at Marion Square park in downtown Charleston, SC, from May 23
through June 7, 2008. The juror for this years show was Jonathan
Greene. The results are as follows:
Mayors Purchase Award was given to Sharon Fowler for "Hampton
Park Summer". First Place award went to Dixie Dugan
for "Amen, Amen, Amen". Second Place award was
given to Floyd Gordon for "Magnolia Gardens". Third
Place award went to Tiffany Masser for "Natural Beauty".
Merit Awards were given to: Sandra Baggette for "White
Camellias & Tea Pot"; Nance Lee Sneddon for "Extra
Tropical & Pears"; Jan Sasser for "Another Day
in Paradise", and John Michiels for "Phillip Simons
Honorable Mentions Awards went to: Tyler Blanton for "Shrimp
Boats"; Kathy Crowther for "Blue Heron"; Karen
Vournakis for "with drawing room from Drayton"; Tim
Greaves for "At The Beach"; and Tami Cardnella for
"Edisto Dunes". For further info call the City of Charleston
Office of Cultural Affairs at 843/724-7305 or visit (
- The 2008 Piccolo Spoleto Festival's "24th
Annual Juried Art Exhibition - Vanishing Landscapes,"
is currently on view through Aug. 8, 2008, at the City Gallery
at Waterfront Park in Charleston, SC. This year's theme showcases
works by South Carolina artists in two and three dimensions,
related to the state of our planet and its environment. Some
of SC's finest artists have works in the show addressing these
issues. Their works confront problems of climate change, disappearing
wetlands, air and water quality, the effects on wildlife
due to vanishing habitates, and the like. The exhibit is a project
of the City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs and the
Coastal Conservation League. The juror for the exhibit was Dr.
Mokhless Al-Hariri. The results were as follows along with artist's
Mayor's Purchase Award - Carol McGill for "Scorched
Earth". "Enjoy the explosion of light and feeling
of excitement as you take in the vibrancy and creative expression
of my paintings." McGill has commissioned paintings on public
display and in private collections in this country and abroad. She
was the winner & featured artist of the Cooper River Bridge
Design Competition in April 2005. She studied at the Art Students
League of New York, 1998 and graduated from Mary Washington College,
University of Virginia, BFA: Studio Art, 1966.
First Place - Lidia Cuellar Richardson for "On A
Cloudy Day". I was born and raised by my mother in a beautiful
rural town in northern Argentina. When I was eight years old
my mother moved to the city, allowing me my first exposure to
the world of art. Art was my favorite subject in school
and my art teacher made a huge impact in my life. When I
entered high school I explored theater and professional dancing,
temporarily leaving sketching behind. At twenty three I
got married to a US diplomat and was fortunate to be able to
travel and live in many countries. During this period I
once again found my passion for art, my style developing into
a combination of Surrealism and Impressionism. Returning to Argentina
I was able to explore these different styles at a number of prominent
studios, but the studios that left the greatest impact on my
art were the studios of Gustavo Parada (Surrealist), Beatriz
Finnochietti (Abstract), and Pamela Carturan (Figurative). These
great artists organized various opportunities to exhibit my work
in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. They were the basis of a support
network that helped me to become an emerging Argentine artist.
Each one of my paintings links to my life in some way, and most
tend to have a story or message. My goal is to share my
life, feelings and ideas with viewers. The themes that interest
me the most are equality, nature, balance, peace, and human behavior. Since
I moved to the Charleston area I have enjoyed exploring through
my canvass the natural beauty that this area offers along with
the interesting lifestyles of those living here.
Second Place - Karen A. Silvestro for "Loss and Bloom". Karen
Silvestro loves to combine portraiture with landscapes, interiors,
still lifes and a twist. Her concepts come from delving into
human frailties, making us recognize them, and exposing an opportunity
for us to grow. These paintings are reflective in more ways than
one. Silvestro received her BFA from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn,
New York. She has studied with Children's Book author and illustrator
Tomie dePaola, and has continued her education with workshops
and classes at the Woodstock School of Art with Hudson Valley
artists. Currently she is taking classes at Connie Olsen Studios,
an atelier, which teaches Classical Drawing, Painting and Design.
Her work has received awards from exhibits and juried shows including
The Woodstock Artist Association and Museum, Woodstock School
of Art, and the Charleston Art Guild.
Third Place - Monique Morales-Kroll for "Really,
Lilies Have No Need For a Couch". In the past, I have
been honored to have participated in both the Piccolo Spoleto
and MOJA Juried Art festivals. I hope others stop, look
and "feel" an emotion when they view my work. I
want to share what I have seen even if the way I present it brings
about a different perspective from the rest. For further info
call OCA at 843/724-7305 or visit (
- Charlotte, NC, artist Carmella Jarvi won
first place in the Cabarrus Arts Council Galleries' (Concord,
NC) regional juried art competition, "Summertime",
for her pastel of a figure in water titled "Peace".
She received $200, accommodations for two in Charleston, SC,
and the opportunity for her work to be featured for three months
in Charleston's Edward Dare Gallery. Sandra Siepert of Charlotte
took the second place prize of $200, and Diane Caudle of Monroe,
NC, placed third and received $100. Merit awards of $50 went
to Bre Barnett Crowell of Charlotte, Jane Chapman Hall of Charlotte,
Jody Hunter of Concord, Ronda Morris of Mount Pleasant, NC, and
Joy Moser of Concord; and Siepert. Julie Sweat, owner of Edward
Dare Gallery in Charleston and Sandpiper Gallery on Sullivan's
Island, SC, chose both the winners and the other 27 works to
be included in the "Summertime" exhibition from 53
entries submitted by 29 artists. Other artists selected are Carey
Carroll, Concord; Carie Irving; Concord; Donna Knorr, Concord;
Marty Lineberger, Spencer, NC; Steve Mitchem, Harrisburg, NC;
Richard Schmidt, Concord; Walter Stanford, Kannapolis, NC; Chelsey
Tyler, Harrisburg; Jutta Vest, Concord; and Leigh Williams, Charlotte.
Sweat praised Jarvi's pastel for its composition, concept and
interpretation of the theme. "It shows excellent control
and use of the medium and great movement - expressive and emotional,"
she said. "It captures subtle nuances of the anatomy that
make you believe it." The competition was open to artists
who reside in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Union, Stanly, Iredell and
Rowan counties in NC. "Summertime" will be on display
through July 3, 2008. For further info call 704/920-2787 or visit
- The "30th Annual Spring Artfest,"
hosted by the Mooresville Artist Guild in Mooresville,
NC, was a success because of the talent of the artists, the hardworking
volunteers, and the support of the community. As quoted from
our esteemed Juror Sharon Nelson, Executive Director of the Associated
Artists of Winston-Salem, "I was quite impressed with the
quality of artwork presented." The award winners were as
Best of Show Winner - Joanna Britt for "Wide Open
Spaces" (pastel).
Oil/acrylic Winners - 1st - Elizabeth Moore for "Wine
Bottle & Glasses", 2nd - Lynn Carlson for "Autism
Child", 3rd - Sandie Bell for "Dancing In The
Moonlight", Honorable Mentions - Elizabeth Moore
for "5 Wine Glasses", Leslie Karpinski for "Filtering
Light in Virgina", Juie Rattley III for "Lyons 1",
and Lori Neill for "Spectral Signature".
WatermediaWinners - 1st - Susan Damico for "Watering
Hole", 2nd - John Lomax for "Hill Tribe Lady",
3rd - Mary Luke for "Tower at Harbour Landing",
Honorable Mentions - Edrie Knight for "Water's Edge",
Anita Graham for "Sundancer II", John Lomax for "Mo
I", and Courtney Frasier for "A".
All Other 2D Winners - 1st - Tiffany Fox for "The
Wait", 2nd - Joyce Patch for "The Bell Ringers",
3rd - Diane Caudie for "Kanae", Honorable
Mentions - Susan Damico for "Suspension In Time",
Carleen Davis for "Route 7", and Tiffany Fox for "Unfinished".
3-D Winners - 1st - Donald Olsen for "Serendipity
II", 2nd - Penny Overcash for "Giraffe Soup",
3rd - Donald Olsen for "Protecting", Honorable
Mentions - John Melius for "Knuckle Buster" and
Laura Brosi for "Love in the time of Coral".
Speedball Award Winners - 1st - Pidge Osborn for "Power
Kick", 2nd - Sandie Bell for "Dancing in the
Moonlight", and 3rd - Nancy Marshburn for "Woodlands
I". For further info call 704/663-6661 or visit (
- The Beaufort Art Association in Beaufort,
SC, has release the following results of the winning entries
from the "Beaufort Art Association 47th Annual Spring Show"
held Apr. 4 - 13, 2008, at the Charles Lind Brown Neighborhood
Acvities Center in Beaufort. The 2008 list of winning entries
Best in Show went to Mary Jane Martin for "Condo Creek",
First Place was given to Mary Grayson Segars for "Palmetto
22", Second Place went to Robert Steinmetz for "Rush
Hour", and Third Place went to Pat Kelly for "Tapestry
The Watermedia Memorial was awarded to Cathy Keup for "Beach
Dreams", the Photographic Memorial went to David Addington
for "Beaufort 2000", the BAA Founders Award went to
Christopher Marshall for "Oranges with Cobalt Bottle",
the EBA Giclée Award was given to Sandra Baggette for
"Patterns of Light".
Memorial Awards of Excellence were as follows: the Letty Lee
Saville Award went to Donna Ireton for "Only Once",
and the Lissa Addington Award went to Ed Funk for "Ghost
Memorial Awards of Merit were as follows: the Betty Gorman Award
went to Annie Estes for "Stormy Sunset", the Barbara
Adamo Award went to Renee Levin for "Red Delicious Gala",
the Henry Charles Fienning Award was given to Hetty Nijman for
"Drifting Along", the Alberta Lubkin Award went to
Robert Steinmetz for "Low Tide", the Agnes Neighbors
Carter Award went to Sandy Dimke for "Margaritaville",
and the Leith Paul Trask Award was given to Todd Visokay for
"Faith Jenny".
Awards of Merit were given to: Sandy Dimke for "Faith",
Ruth Lines for "Let There be Light', Joyce Howell for "Mountain
View", and Phyllis Kaupp-Seas for "Palm Tree Fruit".
Honorable Mention awards went to: Sandra Baggette for "Pale
Pinks", Betty Powell for "Rock-hopping", Kathy
Crowther for "Anticipation", David Addington for
"Sheldon Church Vert 1", Pat Keown for "Thank
You", and Mary Grayson Segars for La mujer vieja de la (Republica
Judge Tom Lynch felt it important to recognize the following
top ten finalists that he selected and state that he would have
given each an award of some type had there been additional awards
to distribute: "Still Life" by Christopher Marshall, "Creative
Hands" by Laura Cody, "View from the Bridge" by
Linda Sheppard, "Summer Riot" by Art Cornell, "Light
at the End of the Keji Tunnel" by John J. Mayers, "501
Craven St." by Lydia Kaeyer, Mountain Motivation" by
N. Jack Huddle, "Glory Road" by Hank Herring, "Canyon
Series: Sedona Sunset" by Marilee Greene, and "Snuggle"
by Sue Jarrett.
Student Awards from High Schools & Home Schools included:
First Place went to Kyla Singletary for "Puzzled" (BHS);
Second Place was given to Phoebe Fiesta for "Love You" (BHS);
Third Place went to Ashley Depew for "View from the Bridge"
(BCHS); Cheap Joe's Achievement went to Bonnie Alexander for
"Untitled" (BHS); Judges Special Award #1 was given
to Charelle Young for "Christmas in Beaufort" (BCHS);
and Judges Special Award #2 went to Cansas Cathey for "Untitled"
Honorable Mention awards went to: Megan Pruitt for "A Mirror
Complexion" (BCHS) and Stasha Zachary for "Self Portrait"
This year's juror, Tom Lynch, offered the following statement
about the exhibition.
"Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to act
as judge for this exciting exhibition. The BAA can be commended
for encouraging such a broad range of expression. I feel
the responsibility of the judge is to select an exhibit that
showcases, for the general public, the best of where art is today,
and opens a door of possibility as to where art is going in the
future. Additionally, I want to stimulate the public to
embrace art by educating, entertaining and enlightening the view;
hoping they will come back for more and, or explore their own
creativity. The awards and selection process should not be viewed
as a determination of merit or worth, but rather an opinion from
someone who shares your passion and has experienced the same
successes and failures. Any and all art in this show is
a success by virtue of the fact that it takes a special person
to attempt creativity and communication. Through an exhibition
like this, others can explore and experience our thinking our
vision, our insight, and our message. Good art is not determined
by subject matter, size, detail or style. Good art
is determined by the quality and effectiveness of the artist's
ability to make us think or feel something in a new way. I
look for works that went beyond the source of reference and exceeded
advanced use of materials; works that had a mood, a message,
an impact or showed passion. As you view this exhibition, listen
to what the artists are saying. Find that special
image that communicates best to you - for this is what I have
done. Now you can understand when I say there is more than
one 'BEST in Show'". For further information call Carol
Molten at 843/379-2222 or e-mail at (
- The Mooresville Artist Guild hosted
its annual, "Mooresville Youth Art Show," organized
by Nell Landers, and held at the Mooresville Artist Depot gallery
in Mooresville, NC, from Mar. 2 - 28, 2008. The winners (name
& school) included: Michael VanBuhler of Woodland Heights;
Megan VanBuhler of Woodland Heights; Jacquline Maj of Cool Springs;
Gracie Hoover of Cool Springs; Tyler Parton of Northwest School
of the Arts; Lynn Jai of Brawley Middle; Jaclyn Zulli of Lake
Norman; and Samantha Barteledt of Mooresville. For further info
contact Susan Damico at 704/799-0158.
- "Sculpturama - 2008" really
turned out well, great sculpture and big crowds in Gallery I,
Tryon Fine Arts Center in Tryon, NC. The variety of mediums,
several categories, and big awards made it interesting and exciting.
This is the first juried, all-sculpture show by Tryon Painters
and Sculptors. Grassroots Arts (NC Arts Council), TP&S fund
for Sculptors, and 21 businesses and individuals shared in the
sponsorship of awards and other costs. Twenty-three sculptors
created the forty wonderful works that were lighted and displayed.
With regrets, Nineteen sculptors submitted forty plus good entries
for which space was not available. The artists entered their
sculpture in one of three categories: Wall, Tabletop, and Floor
sculpture. The awards for each category were first $500, 2nd
$250, and 3rd $125
The winners were:
Wall-1 went to Marsha Kennedy of Greenville, SC, for "The
Great American Pasttime," steel and flag; Wall-2
was given to Richard Conn of Landrum, SC, for "Sub Prime,"
steel; and Wall-3 went to John Richards of Burnsville,
NC, for "Brenda's Romance Novel," mixed media.
Tabletop-1 went to Kevin Clinton of Greer, SC, for "Matriarch
With Parted Lips," pine; Tabletop-2 was presented
to Dale McEntire of Saluda, NC, for "Solstice," Italian
marble; and Tabletop-3 went to Janet Orselli of Mill Springs,
NC, for "Three Bear's Chairs," sculpture.
Floor-1 was given to Julia C. Burr of Black Mountain,
NC, for "Navigating the Particulars," welded steel/wood;
Floor-2 went to Mark Woodward of Greenville, SC, for "Indian
Princess," mixed-media; and Floor-3 went to Len Fury
of Fairview, NC, for "Internal Rendition," wood, bronze
and leather.
Below, become acquainted with the three gifted first-place artists
and learn who shared in the sponsorship of their awards:
First Place in Wall Sculpture sponsorship was shared by Red Clover
Gallery, Landrum, SC; Simply Irresistible, Tryon, NC; Mrs. Jan
Whiting, Columbus, NC; and H & R Block, Landrum, SC. Marsha
R. Kennedy is an artist from Greenville, SC. She has degrees
in Art, Theology, Law, and Business. She currently serves as
a Guardian ad Litem Attorney protecting and advocating the "best
interests of the children". For the past fifteen years,
she has been creating a large collection of artwork. Kennedy
has always been active viewing, studying, and creating art. She
works in all fine art mediums but has a special fondness for
Post Minimalist and Contemporary Sculpture. Her diverse background
and interests; including Animal Rights, Religion, Third-World
Travel, and Cross-Cultural Understanding; are evident in the
theory, subject matter, and themes of her artwork.
First Place in Tabletop Sculpture sponsorship was shared by Sutphin
Accounting & Tax, Tryon, NC; Nature's Storehouse, Tryon,
NC; Stotts Ford, Tryon, NC; and Mr. Michael McCue, Tryon, NC.
Kevin Clinton is 32 years old. He received a BFA from Winthrop
University. He is a Sculptor/wood, and printmaker/woodcuts and
wood engravings Art teacher at Mauldin High School in Greenville
County SC. Clinton is a member of the Artists Guild of Spartanburg
and will have one of his woodcuts in the "Artisphere - 2008"
exhibition, in Greenville. He creates figurative sculpture, primarily
in wood, because it has a way, beyond other mediums, of expressing
emotion and really capturing the plight of our human existence.
He says, "My sculptures attempt to express the states of
being that every human throughout time have experienced and will
continue to experience. Our inhumanity towards one another is
a driving force for my work and I continue to work towards creating
sculptures that will open dialogues."
First Place in Floor Sculpture sponsorship was shared by Raymond
James and Associates, Landrum, SC. Julia C. Burr, since she first
started translating her humor, insight, and vision into three
dimensions, has instinctively found her own path and been recognized
for her efforts. She won her first exterior sculpture commission
while still an undergraduate at the University of Tennessee and
awarded "Most Professional Promise". She received her
Masters of Fine Arts degree from the California Institute of
the Arts. After graduation, Burr discovered her mixed media sculptures
translated well into Hollywood's emerging growth of special effects
and fabrication. She immersed herself in the entertainment industry
creating hundreds of projects and commercial installations all
over the world. As she moved up the ranks, her unique aesthetic
would give her work the edge and help land celebrated clients.
Now living on several acres in Black Mountain, NC, Burr has returned
to her fine art with 20 years of extensive knowledge coupled
with the passion, strength and desire that can only be derived
from rich experiences. While humor plays an important part in
many of her welded steel figures, the nuance of these three-dimensional
snapshots are at once perfectly simple and cunningly complex
in their ability to convey the depth of human experience.
Sculpturama - 2008 will be in Gallery I, Tryon Fine Arts Center
until Apr. 7, 2008. For further info contat Gene Apple at 828/859-5998
or e-mail at (
- This year's Trenholm Artists Guild
(Columbia, SC) juried show (27th Annual) proved to be a feast
for the senses with 72 entries in a variety of media ranging
from drawing to painting, sculpture and photography. The
guild is one of the oldest and largest in the Midlands of SC. Founded
in 1971, it has 150 members and is open to artists of all
skill levels. The show provides the public with a rare opportunity
to view and purchase one-of-a-kind works of art by many of Columbia's
leading amateur and professional artists. Cecile Martin,
a multi-faceted artist who has received numerous honors and awards,
served as juror. She commented that, "The
pieces chosen for awards were those that stood out by virtue
of the compositional and emotional strengths." The
exhibit is jointly sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of South
Carolina and numerous patrons. This year the show was at
HoFP Gallery at 2828 Devine Street in Columbia, SC. The juried
results were as follows:
Best of Show went to Regina Moody for "The Passage
Way"; First Place went to Stacey Morgan for "Pomegranates";
Second Place was given to Esther Melton for "Ready
To Eat"; and Third Place went to Karen Jamrose for
"Forest Acres".
Merit Awards went to: Dale Bishop for "Red Water
Storm Lake Murray", Meg McLean for "Fractured Floral/Cream
and Gold", and Barbara Yongue for "The Girl In
The Mirror".
Honorable Mention wer given to: Donna Lynn Gore for "Peppers
and Old Pewter", Nancy Johnson for "Anna", and
Larry LeFebvre for "Arcs Reaching".
Special Juror's Mention went to Robert Manown for "Pearl
- The Arts Council of Lincoln County
in Lincolnton, NC, announces the winners of the "2008 Amateur
Photography Competition" including:
Best of Show - was presented to "Ocean Bird"
by Rick Kaufman.
Category Winners included:
Plant life/ Landscapes - 1st Place went to "Early
Light" by Gerald Johnson; 2nd Place went to "Coneflower"
by Kathy Goodson; and 3rd Place was given to "Untitled"
by Robert Lineberger.
People/ Animal Life - 1st Place went to "Duck on
the Beach" by John Lafferty Jr.; 2nd Place was given to
"Bubble Fun at the Wedding" by Judy Broesder; and 3rd
Place went to "Blue Tang Schooling" by John Lafferty
Abstract/ Special Effects - 1st Place was given to "Reflection"
by Jessica Cook; 2nd Place went to "Gator Reflection"
by Kathy Goodson; and 3rd Place went to "Down Under"
by Jerry Cook.
Miscellaneous - 1st Place went to "Craig Pottery"
by Melany Dawn Crouse.
Black & White - 1st Place went to "Boy on Court
Square" by Melany Dawn Crouse; 2nd Place was given to "Old
Salem" by Cale Watts; and 3rd Place went to "Flowers"
by Jessica Cook.
The Arts Council of Lincoln County thanks Tindalls' Professional
Photography for their generous sponsorship of this event. The
Arts Council of Lincoln County would also like to thank Ari Miller
for his expertise in judging our competition. For more from information,
contact the Arts Council of Lincoln County at 704/732-9044. This
project is supported in part by a grant provided through the
Grassroots Arts Program of the NC Arts Council, a state agency.
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Mailing Address: Carolina Arts, 511 Hildebrand Drive, Bonneau, SC 29431
Telephone: 843.693.1306
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc. Copyright© 1987-2023 by PSMG, Inc. which published Charleston Arts from July 1987 - December 1994 and South Carolina Arts from January 1995 - December 1996. It also published Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 1998 - 2023 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited.