The September 2011 issue of Carolina Arts is up on our website at ( – all 68 pages of it. We had over 50,000 downloads of the August 2011 issue. That’s really good for a Summer month and considering the fact that Hurricane Irene grabbed all our attention at the end of the month.
We ask that you help us bring the news about the Carolina visual art community to others by spreading the link for the download ( around to your e-mail lists and posting it on your Facebook page. Once people see all that is going on in the visual art community of the Carolinas they will spread it around to their lists and on their Facebook pages.
So download that PDF and dig in – it’s going to take a while to get through this issue. And, don’t forget to find a way to thank our advertisers – they make the paper possible.
A Special Request This Month!
We’d also like to ask you readers to plug and show support for many of the folks in Eastern North Carolina who are suffering from a visit by Hurricane Irene. The art galleries, arts councils, and art institutions could use your support – even if you just go see one of their exhibits – they are still able to present. We hope everyone was spared.
Thanks – Tom and Linda Starland
Carolina Arts