
Feature Articles

November 2013

The University of South Carolina at Aiken in Aiken, SC, Features Works by Jennifer Black

The University of South Carolina at Aiken in Aiken, SC, will present View from the Edge, featuring a solo exhibition of oil paintings by Jennifer Black, on view in the Upper Art Gallery, at the Etherredge Center, from Nov. 3 through Dec. 12, 2013.

Established South Carolina artist, Jennifer Black, is showing a collection of oil paintings inspired by the captivating Lowcountry subjects that surround her. Coastal South Carolina is sometimes referred to as “the edge of America” – this is where Black lives and paints from her studio on the marshes of the Ashley River. Her “view from the edge” includes stunning coastal landscapes, charming cityscapes, scenes of local traditions, and portraits of local personalities.

Working from 30 years of observations of the Lowcountry, Black takes you on a visual tour of a coastal community that is unique in the Southeastern US. Widely recognized for her extraordinary loose and painterly light-filled style, Black explains, “The way light falls on objects is what fascinates me and is what I look for when choosing a subject,” and, “I am not a slave to detail; instead, my mission is to capture the spirit of the subject.”

Black calls her style “Impressionistic Realism”. All subjects are fair game as long as they have beautiful light and drama. Her oil paint is mostly applied “alla prima”, or wet into wet. Her mixing of colors takes place on the palette as well as on the canvas, creating complex and diverse colors.

Black has been drawing, designing and painting as long as she can remember. Freelance artwork helped fund her education at Florida State University, where she received a bachelor’s degree in creative art.

In 2008, the Parks jurors of Paint America’s Parks selected Black’s oil painting, “Rosy Spoonbill,” as a national competition finalist in the “Top 100” competition. Additionally, she won top honors in the Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibition with the prestigious Mayor’s Award. The painting was purchased for the City of Charleston’s art collection. Black’s portrait of a grandmother working on a quilt won her a first place ribbon and the purchase award for the City of North Charleston’s art collection.

For further information check our SC Institutional Gallery listings or contact the Etherredge Center gallery director, Anne Bliss at 803/648-3893.

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