
Feature Articles

January 2014

Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC, Features Works by Betsy Birkner and Pam Winegard

Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC, will present Artifice, including works in a variety of media, including ceramics, found objects, gouache and encaustic by Betsy Birkner and Pam Winegard, on view in the CPCC Pease Gallery, located in Pease Auditorium, from Jan. 13 through Mar. 6, 2014. A reception will be held on Jan. 16, from 5-7pm.

The exhibition will feature the collective works of both artists, who live and work in Charlotte, NC. Each piece will consider the theme of identity and the ways we choose to portray ourselves in life.

During the exhibition, Birkner will showcase ceramic armor breast plates decorated with patterning and glaze from her “I Should Be…” series, which considers ideas of identity related to women growing up in the South. Meanwhile, Winegard’s two-dimensional works will include drawings of gouache and encaustic on paper and panel, and illustrate a similar vulnerability through portrayals of edifices – the way we build exteriors to portray the person we might wish to be.

Winegard will give an Artist Lecture on Jan. 30, at noon, in Pease Gallery, and Betsy Birkner will give an Artist Lecture on Feb. 13, at noon, in Pease Gallery.

Central Piedmont Community College is one of the largest colleges in the Carolinas, offering nearly 300 degree, diploma and certification programs, customized corporate training, market-focused continuing education, and special interest classes. CPCC is academically, financially and geographically accessible to all citizens of Mecklenburg County. In 2002, the National Alliance of Business named CPCC the Community College of the Year for its response to the workforce and technology needs of local employers and job seekers through innovative educational and training strategies. Established in 1963, CPCC is celebrating 50 years of service to Mecklenburg County residents, business and industry.

For further information check our NC Institutional Gallery listings, contact Grace Cote by calling 704/330-6211 or e-mail to (grace.cote@cpcc.edu).

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