
Feature Articles

April 2014

Mica Gallery in Bakersville, NC, Opens Doors for the New Season

It’s spring! Mica Gallery in Bakersville, NC, will greet the new season with a gala opening party on Apr. 5 from 5-8pm, featuring new pieces by 14 of the most accomplished craftspeople in our region working in clay, wood, glass, and metal.

Come up the mountain to enjoy a refreshing collection of handmade objects from charming dinnerware to outdoor metal sculpture, from clay candelabra to mosaic mirrors to whimsical wood and metal animals.

To heighten your evening’s experience, Bakersville Art and Dine (BAD) will be having its first gallery stroll the same evening. Galleries and restaurants will be open for your viewing and dining pleasure from 5-8pm.

For further information check our NC Commercial Gallery listings, call the gallery at 828/688-6422 or visit (www.micagallerync.com).

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