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November Issue 2003
Elder Art Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Features Works by Gina Gilmour and Karen Roberson Powell
Coming home is not always as sweet as leaving but in the case of Gina Gilmour and Karen Roberson Powell, Charlotte never looked so good! Actually, they never looked so good as evidenced by the bold paintings and sculptures they have produced for their homecoming show at Elder Art Gallery in Charlotte, NC. The exhibit, Back Home in Carolina, will open on Nov. 7 and continue through Dec. 6, 2003.
Gilmour, a Charlotte native, maintains studios in New York and Charlotte and has been shown in numerous galleries and museums throughout the United States. Some of those include The National Women's Museum in Washington; The Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte; The New Jersey Museum of Art; SECCA in Winston-Salem; Queens Museum in New York; Danville Museum of Art in Danville, VA; Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston, SC; plus others.
Roberson Powell
Powell has recently moved back to North Carolina from Dallas, TX. She received her MFA at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro with a concentration in sculpture. She pursued additional training in Italy, Wales and England as well as the academy of Realist Art in Santa Fe, NM, and the Carving Studio in Proctor, VT. In 1993 Powell took a year's leave from her university position to attend the Berllanderi Sculpture Workshop near Cardiff, Wales. While there she was featured on BBC television and radio for her installation at Cardiff Bay for a piece entitled The Voyage.
Gilmour's contribution to the exhibition will be work from five series of paintings that she has completed over the past several years. The majority of her paintings in the exhibition are very large canvases. She intersperses a few smaller paintings to round out her portion of the show.
Powell's bronze sculptures portray aspects of man's balancing acts. They are physical metaphors for this intangible yet ever present process. The figures in each sculpture are placed in symbolic environments, particularly architectural elements. These physical elements are tied to the individual's home, work or spiritual life. Aesthetically, she uses the bold structural design of the stairs, steps, windows, doorways, etc. in contrast to the more organic form of the figure or the round globe. Powell is fascinated by the way that objects achieve a balance in spite of inherent physical impossibilities.
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Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing
Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc.
Copyright© 2003 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston
Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts
from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts
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