Feature Articles
Updated November 12, 2003
2003 Issue
Seagrove, NC
The Little Town That Could
Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, NC, Features European Masterpieces from
the Walters Art Museum
Extravaganzia to Take Place on Wentworth
Street in Charleston, SC
M.J. Sharp
Hosts Open Studio for Durham Art Walk in Durham, NC, on Nov. 15,
New: UNC- Asheville in Asheville,
NC, Features Works by Andrea Quillian
New: Hickory Museum of Art in Hickory,
NC, Launches Membership Drive in November, 2003
New: Toe River Arts Council in Burnsville,
NC, Sponsors Holiday Studio Tour 2003
Furman University in Greenville, SC, Features Works by Bob Chance
Theatre Art Galleries in High Point, NC, Features Earth and Flight Exhibitions
Summit One Gallery in Highlands, NC, Offers Works in 5 x 7 Format
Redux Contemporary
Arts Center in Charleston, SC, Offers
Exhibit, Art Auction and Wish List
Art Museum in Greensboro, NC, Features
New Exhibits this Fall
Hand in Hand
Gallery in Hendersonville, NC, Presents
Exhibit in Local Restaurant
TwoArtChicks in Greensboro, NC, Features Works by les caison III
North Carolina Museum
of Art in Raleigh, NC, Presents an
Exhibition Celebrating the Centennial of Flight
JK Gallery Opens in High Point, NC
E.S. Lawrence
Gallery in Charleston, SC, Features
Works by Lynne Riding
Charles II Art Gallery in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Kevin Harrison
Piazza Gallery in Mt. Pleasant, SC, Features Works by Clifford Riley
The Wells Gallery in Charleston, SC, Offers Works by William Jameson
Women's Council at Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston, SC, Offers
Holiday Tour
Spencer Art Gallery in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Deborah Palmer
Co. Museum of Art in Spartanburg, SC,
Features Hub City Exhibit and Works by Katie Hodge
Hickory Museum
of Art in Hickory, NC, Features Works
by Mary Whyte
Gallery 80808 in Columbia, SC, Offers Show for Vista Lights
Cameo Fine Art in Columbia, SC, Offers Two Exhibit for Vista Lights
USC McKissick
Museum in Columbia, SC, Honors Artist
Tom Feelings with Memorial Exhibit
New Gallery and Ceramic Workcenter Opens in Columbia, SC
Columbia, SC, Offers Annual Vista
Lights on Nov. 20, 2003
Sumter Gallery
of Art in Sumter, SC, Features Works
by A. Kelli Griffin and Annual Sumter Artists' Guild Show
HoFP Gallery in Columbia, SC, Offers Works by Vladan Ignatovic
Joie Lassiter
Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Features
Works by Linda Fantuzzo
Levine Museum
of the New South in Charlotte, NC,
Presents Exhibition on Jewish Life in the South
The Gallery
at Carillon in Charlotte, NC, Presents
Works by Katie Walker
Elder Art Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Features Works by Gina Gilmour and
Karen Roberson Powell
Melberg Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Features Works by Dale Chihuly &
Charles Basham
Clay on Camden in Charlotte, NC, Features Works by Lambeth Marshall
& Donna Foster
of the Earth Gallery in Charlotte,
NC, Features Group Show for the Holidays
The Gibbes Museum
of Art in Charleston, SC, Features Exhibit Celebrating Lowcountry
The Wolf Art Gallery
in Charleston, SC, Features New Works by Martha Sharp
Waterfront Gallery in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Daryl Knox and
Galleries in Charleston, SC, Features
Works by Tom McNickle
Fine Art in Charleston, SC, Features
7th Solo Exhibit by Shannon Smith
Ashe Arts Center in West Jefferson, NC, Features Annual Holiday Exhibitions
Jackson Gallery in Aiken, SC, Presents International Show
Rabold Gallery in Aiken, SC, Offers Works by Deanne Dunbar
Arnold Gallery in Aiken, SC, Features Works by Barbara Yon
Converse College Presents Exhibit of Works by Art & Design Faculty
in Spartanburg, SC
Open Studios
Tour Creates Opportunity for Collectors
to Visit Artists in Greenville, SC
Art Boutique is the Place to Shop on
Hilton Head Island, SC
Cheryl Newby
Gallery in Pawleys Island, SC, Offers
Works by Daniel McLaughlin
Summit One Gallery in Highlands, NC, Offers Works in 5 x 7 Format
City Gallery in Charleston, SC, Offers Works by Zane Wilson
Museum of York County in Rock Hill, SC, Features International Quilt Exhibit
Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC, Features Works by Christopher Rauschenberg
Silver Fox Gallery in Tryon, NC, Features Several Exhibitions Including
Works of Dr. Seuss
Davidson College in Davidson, NC, Features Works by Benjamin Davis
and John Hill
Applewood Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Offers Fall Artists Show
Sunset River
Marketplace in Calabash, NC, Features
Works by Miriam Pinkerton
Touchstone Gallery in Hendersonville, NC, Features Works by Nels Arnold
Artspace in Raleigh, NC, Features Biennial Juried Exhibition
16 Patton in Asheville, NC, Features Works by Scott Lowrey and
John Torina
Somerhill Gallery in Chapel Hill, NC, Presents Works by Maud Gatewood
Delhom Service League at the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, NC, Holds
Meeting on Nov. 18, 2003
Nature Art Gallery at NC
Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, NC, Features Works
by Mary Louise O'Sullivan
Winthrop University in Rock Hil, SC, Features Faculty Exhibition
Gatekeeper's House Artists at Moring
Center in Asheboro, NC
City Art Gallery in Columbia, SC, Offers Group Exhibition for Holidays
Fantastical Italian Paintings by Raffaele
De Rosa at Gallery 2 in Columbia,
The Next Chapel
Hill/Carrboro, NC, 2nd Friday Art Walk Takes Place Nov. 14,
W.D.O. Gallery in Charlotte, NC, Features Works by Rick Smith and
Marc Maiorana
Wilkes Art Gallery in North Wilkesboro, NC, Features Works by Bill Johnston
and Kelly Royall
Craft Center in Blowing Rock, NC, Offers
Exhibition on Doll Making
Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC, Offers Exhibitions by Sarah Ashley
Borders and Wesley W. Bates
TwoArtChicks Gallery in Greensboro, NC, Features Works by Carolina Clay
ERL Originals in Winston-Salem, NC, Features Works by Folk Artists
"Miss Addie" James and Albert Hodge
That's a Lotta
Deli and Café in Charlotte,
NC, Features Works by Kathleen Burke for Eatery's Grand Opening
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring
Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc. Copyright©
2003 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston Arts from
July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts from Jan.
1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts Online,
Copyright© 2003 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG,
Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without
written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina Arts
is available throughout North & South Carolina.