December 2013
Craving Art Studio in Beaufort, NC, Offers Works by Michael Rhinehardt
Craving Art Studio in Beaufort, NC, is presenting an exhibit of works by Michael Rhinehardt, on view through Dec. 31, 2013.
Rhinehardt, a native of Carteret County, is a true gift to the community - as an exceptional person, artist and teacher.
After graduating from ECU with a BFA in Art Education, Rhinehardt taught art in the down east elementary schools in Carteret County for many years and now teaches art at East Carteret High School. Rhinehardt explores many subjects in his contemporary paintings but is especially well known for his expressive depiction of the female figure.
The gallery is very excited to host Rhinehardt and his new paintings for this show and is also eager to introduce the public to the many offerings available to the community at Craving Art Studio.
The gallery would also like to thank the people and businesses of Beaufort for all of the kind support we have received. To help us continue the cycle of community support, please consider bringing a canned good or non-perishable food item that will be donated to Loaves and Fishes for the holidays.
For further information check our NC Commercial Gallery listings, call the gallery at 252/728-0243 or at (
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