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Feature Articles

April 2011

City Art Gallery in Columbia, SC, Features Works by Stephen Nevitt

City Art Gallery in Columbia, SC, will present the exhibit, Layers and Passages: A Tribute to Seven Women of Courage and Compassion, featuring works by Stephen Nevitt, on view from Apr. 28 through May 30, 2011. An opening will be held on Apr. 28, from 5-9pm, part of the Artista Vista 20th Year celebration.

When speaking about his latest exhibit Nevitt said, “My art works continue to be about family. During the past three years the focus turned to a collection of portraits and related works in tribute to seven women who quietly showed great courage and determination in the face of overwhelming difficulties.”

Nevitt’s long-standing love for old family photographs stems from his experiences as a young boy. As a child, he was told rich and colorful stories about his ancestors in conjunction with the viewing of old family photographs kept in a cardboard box under his parents’ bed. He was inspired by these photographs, and as an undergraduate student began making drawings and prints from the photographs.

The pieces in the City Art Gallery exhibit are accompanied by a written commentary on each of the women describing their life and the strength of their character and resolve.

A native of Charlotte, NC, Nevitt is Chair of Columbia College Department of Art and a former member of the faculty at the South Carolina Governor’s School of Arts and Humanities. He earned his BFA at the University of South Carolina and a master’s degree from the State University of New York Oswego.

Additional parts of Artista Vista will feature Cindy Saad with her original hand made jewelry Thursday evening (small work gallery) and the University of South Carolina Percussion Ensemble will perform Saturday, Apr. 30 at 1pm in the Main Gallery of City Art.

City Art is located in the historic Congaree Vista area in Columbia.

For further information check our SC Commercial Gallery listings, call Wendyth Wells at 803/252-3613 or visit (

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