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Feature Articles

April 2011

Florence Regional Arts Alliance in Florence, SC, Features Works by Florence Visual Arts Guild

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance in Florence, SC, will present Florence Visual Arts Guild Third Annual Exhibition, on view in Gallery 412 from Apr. 7 - 28, 2011. A reception will be held on Apr. 7, from 6-8pm.

The Florence Visual Arts Guild dates to 1983, when several local artists who were primarily interested in watercolor organized themselves as the Florence Working Artists. The organization is now called the Florence Visual Arts Guild. The Guild pursues a mission that includes both promotion of the aesthetic and professional interests of its members as well as contribution to the advancement of the visual arts in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina. The Guild is composed of a diverse group of Pee Dee artists who pursue a broad variety of artistic expression that includes painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, jewelry, and pottery. Members of the Guild have enjoyed consistent success in professional juried competitions at regional, state, national, and international levels.

Operating at 412 South Dargan Street in the emerging Arts and Cultural District in downtown Florence, the Florence Regional Arts Alliance is the “chamber of commerce” for the artists, arts organizations, school arts teachers, and school arts programs of the City of Florence and Florence County. The Arts Alliance is committed to preserving, supporting, and promoting a vibrant arts community by providing grants to artists, organizations, teachers, and schools; by recognizing students, individuals, and businesses through a comprehensive program of awards and scholarships; by offering community programming that showcases the performing arts, the visual arts, and the literary arts; and by serving on the basic organizational core value that recognizes the arts are fundamental to quality of life, education, and economic development in today’s knowledge-based economy, an economy that will require innovative, imaginative, and creativity to address the critical issues of the 21st Century.

For further information check our SC Institutional Gallery listings, call the Alliance at 843/665-2787 or visit (

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