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May Issue 2009
Vista Studios
in Columbia, SC, Offers Works by Janet Kozachek
Vista Studios in Columbia,
SC, will present the exhibit, Homage to Squares: The Poetry
of Paintings & Mosaics, featuring the painting, poetry,
and mosaics of Janet Kozachek, on view in Gallery 80808, from
May 14 - 19, 2009.
A number of the paintings will be a selection from the 117 figurative works illustrating the poetry from Kozachek's book manuscript Moments in Light and Shadows. These paintings, depicting a single person in an interior are all painted on small canvases in square formats. The theme of the square is carried through the mixed media collage and mosaics works, which are composed of tesserae assembled into larger square formats.
Kozachek says, "With four even sides, the square is a symbol of the structure of the universe and the foundations of civilization. We meet in public squares, live in the four ages, celebrate the four seasons, and journey to the four points of a compass. My square art is about these blocks of time in which small miracles occur."
For further information
check our SC Institutional Gallery listings, call the gallery
at 803/252-6134 or visit (
Carolina Arts is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary of PSMG, Inc. Copyright© 2009 by PSMG, Inc., which published Charleston Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South Carolina Arts from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 2009 by PSMG, Inc. All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles. Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited. Carolina Arts is available throughout North & South Carolina.