Adding To The Carolina Clay Resource Directory


Although the Thanksgiving – Black Friday weekend is probably not the best time to launch a new venture, I’m happy to report that at least a few potters made it through the lists and sent us additions of individual potters and galleries showing pottery.

Since then we’ve been adding them as soon as we received most of them. Hopefully as people recover from each blockbuster weekend, presented until Christmas, more people will check the site out and send us more info to add. This is a process that we expect to be ongoing. And once the holidays are over – people will have lots of time to look at websites – all winter long.

For potters, they should also check out the active ad link for Bulldog Pottery in Seagrove, NC, to see how you can extend your presence in such a crowded field. And, we’ve just scratch the surface as far as listing Carolina potters, clay sculptors, and other creative artists using clay. You know what the say about squeaky wheels. Contact us about becoming one of them.

Just go on over to Carolina Arts and click on the Carolina Clay Resource Directory link and explore.