I’m Going to Seagrove, NC, for Some Kiln Openings

On the 18th and 19th of April, 2009, Seagrove potters are planning kiln openings and special events in their shops for the Celebration of Spring in Seagrove. Many of these same Seagrove potters who participated in an April 4th kiln firing at the NC Pottery Center in Seagrove will be donating one of their pieces ... Read More

The Check is in the Mail for the SC Arts Commission

Take back everything I have said about the SC Arts Commission being forced to live with the reality of an economy that can’t support their pet projects anymore. The check is in the mail. Just like with AIG, get ready to learn about the silly and needless ways SC’s non-profit arts community uses (possible funding) ... Read More

Another Blow to the Coverage of the Visual Arts in the Carolinas

Long before McClatchy newspapers bought out Knight Ridder’s newspapers in the Carolinas they operated the News & Observer in Raleigh, NC. Folks in the visual art community there were not happy with the coverage they were getting. That should have been our first warning of what was to come from McClatchy – and I said ... Read More

Where Has the Mad Blogger Been?

I guess it’s starting to be noticeable – I haven’t been adding entries at my normal pace. When you start getting e-mails that are like picadores in a bull fight – drawing blood – you get the impression that some people feel I’m taking too long between entries. There’s a good reason for this delay ... Read More

Price of Fame Catches Up With Vandal Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey likes to think of himself as a graffiti artist, street artist, master of marketing, and a man above the law. The young and college art students around the country think he’s the – whatever the word they use for someone who is cool. Many of them want to be Fairey wan-a-bees. He may ... Read More

SC Arts Commission’s Budget Threat

Here is something I just found posted on the SC Arts Commission’s website. …………………………………………………. SC Arts Commission FY2010 Budget Request For more than forty years, the Arts Commission has worked to build a thriving arts environment that benefits all South Carolinians, regardless of where they live or how much money they make. With leadership and ... Read More

Snowing Again in Bonneau, SC

It is snowing again as I write this entry – for the second time in just a few weeks. The temperature is 27 degrees at 10:30am and unlike the first snow last month – if we get enough – it could accumulate! But, I hope not. Linda is working 911 today and that would make ... Read More

President Barack Obama – The Day the Earth Stood Still

At noon today, that’s pretty much what will happen all over the world. I know Linda and I will be stopping what we’re doing to sit and watch this new era begin. I can’t imagine why anyone won’t be doing the same. I’m beginning to think the number 44 will be my new lucky number. ... Read More

South Carolina Arts Commission Update

An e-mail is floating around that is trying to build support for the SC Arts Commission. Its author – Betty Plumb of the South Carolina Arts Alliance – what a surprise. The Arts Alliance is a non-profit created by the Arts Commission to lobby for them in the SC State Legislature. The Alliance is kind ... Read More

Don’t Miss Susan Lenz’s Exhibit at Gallery 80808 in Columbia, SC

If you want to be amazed at what one person can do – don’t miss seeing or reading about the CYBER FYBER exhibition being presented, in every nook and cranny of Gallery 80808 at Vista Studios in Columbia, SC. Of course Susan Lenz got the help of hundreds of participating fiber artists from all over ... Read More