End of The Year – Looking Back & Fowards

Well it’s happened again – one year is ending and another will soon begin. Frankly, I’m ready for 2008 to be good and gone and 2009 to begin – bringing hopefully a new era in the visual art community of the Carolinas. Looking back it has been a rough year – $4 a gallon gas, ... Read More

SC Arts Commission – SC Arts Foundation – Who is Whom?

I know I touched on this subject before in this blog and I mentioned it in my commentary in the Jan. 09 issue of Carolina Arts, but I’m going into this puzzling situation in some detail, and that takes more space than I’ll ever have in the paper. Now, the claim from these two entities ... Read More

How About Them Carolina Panthers!

Many people have the impression that people who are involved in the arts – any aspect of the arts – are unusual people – art lovers. They think we live and breathe the arts. Not so. As the Bard wrote – “If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we ... Read More

Charlotte’s New African-American Arts + Culture Center

Scheduled to open in the fall of 2009, the new Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture, named in honor of the former Charlotte mayor and civic leader, will replace the Afro-American Cultural Center located in the former Little Rock AME Zion Church, at 401 North Myers Street in Charlotte, NC. The new ... Read More

Interesting Exhibit at the Charleston County Public Library

On one of the days when I was delivering our December 2008 issue of Carolina Arts, I stopped at the Charleston County Public Library’s Main Branch in downtown Charleston, SC to leave copies of our paper. This is not something I can do in every library across the Carolinas. Did you know that some library systems ... Read More

Hard Times Fall on the Arts in the Carolinas

They used to say during the Cold War days that if it ever came down to nuclear war – where one side or the other launched a strike and the other side retaliated – the resulting debris would block out the sun for years creating a Nuclear Winter. It seems we have reached an Economic ... Read More

Celebration of Seagrove Potters Exceeds All Expectations

I was sent this update on the Celebration of Seagrove Potters festival. by Jennie Lorette Keatts After only five and half months of planning and execution, the Celebration of Seagrove Potters, in Seagrove, NC, went off without a hitch, exceeding attendance estimates and putting big smiles on the faces of the participating artists. Over 400 ... Read More

First Celebration of Seagrove Potters Festival a Success

I did not get to attend this first time event in Seagrove, NC, although I wanted to. I did the next best thing, I kept in touch by reading the blogs of the various blogging potters who were getting ready for this event – and reports of how things were going – hours after they ... Read More

SC Arts Commission Budget Cuts – Have You Heard?

On Oct. 14, 2008, I posted comments wondering how the SC Arts Commission would make cuts to its budget as the State of SC was facing an almost half a billion dollar shortfall. At that time people were thinking 10% cuts were in line. In my comments, I doubted that the Commission would take much ... Read More