Presidential Jetlag

It’s been less than two weeks since election day, but wow has time flew by. The election which was supposed to go into the wee hours of Wednesday morning was over by 9pm when New Hampshire went blue and then shortly after – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Florida and Virginia went blue – minutes before polls ... Read More

What’s Wrong With This Presidential Election

That’s not a question, but there are plenty of answers if it was. During the day I’m working on my computer – a lot. Most of that time I’m listening to a random selection from my iTunes playlist, listening to news/talk shows on public radio, or watching cable news – CNN and MSNBC – all ... Read More

Don’t Mix Apples and Oranges in Politics

I got a call the other day from a woman in North Carolina who was very upset with my recent comments (Oct. 08) in Carolina Arts on how the arts do better under Democratic leadership compared to Republican leadership. Her complaint was that she had just spent two days visiting art galleries in North Carolina ... Read More

The Power of Potters – In Saving the NC Pottery Center

Don’t mess with a North Carolina potter! Or their Pottery Center. At least that’s the word I have for anyone doubting the importance of the NC Pottery Center located in the small community of Seagrove, NC. I have just received word that $100,000 + has been raised to save the NC Pottery Center. It was ... Read More

Doing the Charleston with Judith McGrath

For any regular reader of Carolina Arts over the last eight years, commentary from Judith McGrath – all the way from Western Australia – has been a sort of sounding board as to what’s going on in the visual art community – around the world – or at least the other end of the world. ... Read More

Your Presidential Choice, A Simple One

I could spend a lot of time listing all the ways Sen. John McCain has changed his views, to get the nomination by his party and to be elected President, on what used to be the principles that made him a maverick politician. The list would include tax cuts for the very rich, drilling for ... Read More