A Slice of the Arts Commission’s Ten Year Plan

Back on Aug. 20, 2008, I posted my opinion on the future of the SC Arts Commission’s Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC) program. I wasn’t too optimistic – based on my experience. In that posting I mentioned the Canvas of the People process. Some readers didn’t know what I was talking about. Surprise! Here’s a ... Read More

The Skinny on Saving the NC Pottery Center

I last posted info about the effort to save the NC Pottery Center in Seagrove, NC, on Aug. 18, 2008. So it’s time to update you readers on what has happened since then. The last time I gave an update on money raised it was on Aug. 11, 2008, and at that time $30,000 had ... Read More

Paying for Awards

About a month and a half ago I received a press release from an art gallery in Charleston who had just received the 2008 Best of Charleston Award in the Art Galleries & Dealers category by the US Local Business Association (USLBA). We receive a lot of press release about all kinds of things, but ... Read More

Gas Prices Uneven in South Carolina

When asking someone once about why gas prices are so much lower in the Upstate of South Carolina compared to the Lowcountry – the answer was pipeline. I was told there is a gasoline pipeline going through the Upstate. At first that made sense, but when I thought about it more – something doesn’t add ... Read More

SC Arts Commission Talks the Talk for Grant

We’ve seen it before – many times. The SC Arts Commission snags a grant by talking the talk, but never delivers results. This time it’s a $100,000 grant from the Ford Foundation for a program called – Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC), a national initiative to improve conditions for artists. Here’s the first two paragraphs ... Read More

More News on NC Pottery Center

Well, you just never know where something like this will go. I’m referring to the effort to raise $100,000 to save the North Carolina Pottery Center from having to close its doors after ten years of operation in Seagrove, NC. You can see other postings here under the heading NC Visual Arts (listed to the ... Read More

The Carolina Art Blog Community

Since starting this blog I’ve learned that I’m part of an informal community of other art bloggers – many are artists, some are people in the gallery business, some are promoting the arts, and some others just like to talk about their experiences with the visual arts and arts in general. Much like with the ... Read More