SC Arts Commission Saved Again, But Just Barely – the 2012 Version

I think the first paragraph of the article written by Otis R. Taylor, Jr. in The State newspaper after the big rally says it all. “The State House was under an umbrella of creativity Monday evening as hundreds of arts supporters met on the grounds to oppose Gov. Nikki Haley’s veto of the South Carolina ... Read More

Colorful Prices by Pernille Ægidius Dake, a Guest Commentary

I go for the Hammershøi’s. I have had a strange, stressful day and so want to be soothed by sparse, intimate interiors painted solely in gray scales. I expect to be held by drab tones so varied and delicate, yet powerful they ought to be colors. And so I enter the National Museum in Denmark, ... Read More

Has Hell Frozen Over or What?

As I post this entry today, the South Carolina Arts Commission has been shut down. Am I celebrating? I wish. Due to a fluke in the legislative calendar our Governor’s token veto to please her Tea Bagger friends has caused a closing of the Arts Commission – just as long as it takes the SC ... Read More

Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail in South Carolina Doesn’t Stop for Summer Heat

Cynthia Leggett with the Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail brings us more news of additions to the Quilt Trail in South Carolina. The Depot, home of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, has joined the Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail. Denise McCormick originally made the Railroad Crossing quilt and is an active member of the Westminster community. This ... Read More

The July 2012 Issue of Carolina Arts is Now Ready to Download

The July 2012 issue of Carolina Arts is up on our website at ( – all 60 pages of it. We had over 110,000 downloads of the June issue. That’s pretty good for a Summer issue and the third month in a row with over 100,000 downloads each month. We ask that you help us ... Read More